Chapter 12-Mindfucking Sasuke Uchiha

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~Kurai's POV~

Staring at nothing in particular, I couldn't help, but be rather bothered about something. It wasn't the fact that I was ticked off with the girls.

It was something about Naruto's sudden disappearance from a while ago. I couldn't shake off the feeling that something terrible is going to happen today.

"Rin," I called. "Do you have any idea where Naruto would be at times like this?"

Normally, I would know, but the constant thought of him in deep danger had kept me thinking.

"Probably at Ichirakus..." he suggested as his figure became more and more visible as he took several steps forward. "Why?"

"It's nothing." I shook my head. "Something's just..."

"Incomplete? Wrong? Something bad's about to happen?"


"And you think that it's Naruto?"


Not knowing what he could say next, I decided to just find him myself.

"Where are you going?" he asked me. "Are you going to look for him?"

"Yeah, something is just really wrong. Can you feel it?" I asked as my eyebrows furrowed itself together and my fists clenched tightly at my sides as I resisted the urge to stop myself from shaking.

"Well, now that you've mentioned it... there was something odd about that Mizuki. I saw him talking with Naruto after he failed the test. I didn't know what they were talking about... but, just by the sound of his voice... he's plotting something menacing." Rin said as he tried his hardest to recall every bit of detail he had seen before.

"Then, if your assumptions are right, then we better hurry and look for them. I don't like this feeling that I'm getting in the pit of my stomach." I said as we applied chakra in our feet and darted off to the forest with only the light of the moon as our source of light.

The trees applied cover as we made our way through the slick grounds, hiding further and further in their dark foliage. A voice drifted, floating to our ears.


We ventured towards the source of the sound, finding our blonde friend with a mysterious ninja. At the moment of our arrival, Naruto's head snapped in our direction. His blue eyes blazed, frantic and scared.

"What are you guys doing here?!" Naruto cried.

"Looking for you! What are you doing?!" I stared, confused.

"Trying to become stronger." he replied

"Enough talking you brats. My business is not with you two. So, if you do not wish to get hurt, then I suggest that you leave. NOW!" The mysterious ninja said. He not even worth my time describing seeing as I will be eliminating in a few minutes.

*Don't kill him yet, Kurai. I need to find out why he came here in the first place* I waited until Rin was finished extracting the information out of him. His screams filled the whole forest. Someone would think we were giving him a painful death by the agony that was mixed in his screams. This technique is very painful and can leave people brain dead. Oh well...

I made sure Rin had finished gathering all the information needed before asking permission to kill. "Permission granted." He replied.

I gave him a quick death by removing his head. As I cleaned the blood off my sword, I noticed that Naruto has cuts and bruises all over his body.

"Naruto, what training were you doing before we arrived?" He looked around his surroundings before pulling a giant scroll from behind a tree. "After I failed the graduation exams, Mizuki-sensei told me about this scroll and said that if I learned one technique from here I could graduate."

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