chapter 11-Disappearing shirts and the cursed graduation exams

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Kurai's p.o.v

All eyes were on us--particularly the one behind me which was Rin who was wearing nothing, but his underwear. It was just a relief that a piece of clothing was still intact or else this room would be filled by blood and corpses. 

Even if Rin placed a jutsu where's she would look like a boy, I still can't hide the fact that she is actually a girl! And the surprising increasing velocity of my heart beat didn't help as well for me in this case. I tried my hardest not to look at Rin, but sometimes my mind would disobey me and I would tend to peek at him from the corner of my eyes.

Damn, hormones!

Naruto! To keep myself distracted, I just started at Naruto with an impressive look. "What do we do?" he asked dumbfounded. "We can't go to our seats, now can we?" His eyes were trailing from his seat then back to me and then back to his seat again. He repeated this action over and over again, that I completely bored myself out. I turned around and just stared at the concourse of girls drooling over Rin.

Think! What do I do?

My thoughts were cut short when I noticed the girls having more and more nosebleeds. I was even surprised to see them breathing now due to the lose of blood from their body. Where do they even store all that extra blood? I just can't understand girls and I don't think I would want to...

And why do I feel like there was more cool air hitting my upper body? Dumbfounded and probably oblivious to what 's happening, my eyes trailed down and I had realized something. Where had my shirt gone off to?

With a deep crimson creeping onto my checks, my eyes horrifyingly stared at the girls. They were practically drooling, really! And their clothes are now drenched in blood. With furrowed eyebrows, I looked behind me and noticed Rin was wearing my shirt.

"Look, sensei, let's just get on with today so that I can happily go home. Kurai's shirt would be alright for me just for today." Rin said as he straightened out my shirt that was now covering his chest and underwear. I signed in defeat. There was no talking my way out of this.

"A- Alright," Iruka stuttered. "L- Let's begin with class."

Grumbling my way to my seat, I couldn't help, but shrink back and hunched my shoulders at the girls who were eye- gawking both Rin and me. Luckily, Naruto was kind enough to cover me by staying in front. Even if I've gave him a death wish, he was still a friend to me. But, you've got to admit, if he just had admitted it before then none of the things that happened recently would've happen to him.

*Kurai! Why didn't you tell me that I was only wearing my underwear?!*

An ear- piercing shriek yelled at me through my mind. It was enough to give me a headache or maybe a migraine for the rest of the day. Damn. I rubbed both of my temples with my thumb and index fingers. At least, it helped me reduce the pain.

*Master, before I could even tell you about it, you ran off with Naruto and headed straight here. I wouldn't really let you out of the house with only your undergarments on, Master.*  What with all the prevented girls in here ready to jump the first chance they get. I silently added. 

With a defeated sign, Rin shook his head and walked to my left side, inching closer to my body as the girls tried to touch him. I visibly shuddered. How can I the mighty demon prince be frightened by mere mortal girls? How can anyone live like this? Oh yeah, we can. We just survived.

And there it was again.

That feeling that I can't explain or remove from my system, no matter how hard I tended to ignore it or pry it off, it would just keep getting  stronger and return ten time stronger back to me. What was this feeling? It's disturbing yet amazing in a way that I could not explain to myself. I hadn't felt this emotion in all my serval million years of live.

The warmth of Rin's body was slowly passing onto my arm until it centralized to my whole body. It felt great. "Master," I whispered. "Why don't you take Naruto's jacket instead?"

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