Chapter 9

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Holtzmann's POV

As I turn around the corner driving us to time square I can feel a knot start to form in my stomach.

It's been a while since we last went out in the world fought stuff. The bulk of what I remember was us getting slammed by the news, mayor, and well, basically everyone about us being 'fake'.

But we still saved the fucking world. So I guess that kind of shut people up.

But the major thing that's scaring me is the fact that Erin and I are a thing.

What if the media finds out and starts making remarks on us being gay, or saying that we just run a gay little organization looking for attention.

I mean it's not what I want to happen.

In all honesty, I am truly afraid of what's going to happen when we get to time square and start to fight these ghosts.

Why you ask?

Let's see.

Reason #1: It's almost been 5 months since we last fought a some ghosts. So of course we're all going to be somewhat nervous.

Reason #2: We haven't even gotten to test any of the new equipment I've been working on for the past couple of months. So if something goes wrong with one of the weapons I've created, especially if anything happens to Erin's, I'll probably be ignored by them all. And honestly, it's the last thing I want.

Reason #3: Like I've stated before, if anything happens to Erin, and I over react in any way shape or form, people might know that we're a thing together. So I'm afraid of all the backlash that we might get.

Reason #4: Lastly, I really don't want anything like what happened 4 months ago when the entire world was almost destroyed, to happen again, ever.

"We're hear." I say as I slam on the brakes and unbuckle my seat belt.

I open my car door and head to the truck to grab our proton packs.

Everyone else gets out of the car and follows me.

They're all standing behind me as I wheel out the proton packs, each, with an individual last name on it.

"Tolan." I say to myself as I grab Patty's proton pack and hand it to her.

She takes it from my hands and straps it on with confidence.

"Yates." I say grabbing Abby's and handing it to her.

"Gilbert." I say as I give her the pack.

She touches my hand.

"Thanks." She says smiling up at me.

I pull my hand away in a hurry trying not to draw attention to us. Yet again, I do NOT want to hear any shit about us. So I figure that it's best if the world doesn't know about us yet. I honestly don't know what we are at the moment. It's not like she's my girlfriend, but you don't make out with your friend passionately all morning.

"Holtzmann." I say to myself as I grab my proton pack and strap it on.

Jesus Christ I forgot how heavy they were.

I can hear the others let out a little grunt as they strap them on too. I can tell that they all forgot how heavy they were too.

I look back on them all trying struggling to get them on as I'm sitting here ready to go.

When they all finally get their packs on they all let out a grunt and make their ways next to me.

"You guys ready?" Patty asks looking at the rest of us.

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