Chapter 11

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Holtzmann's POV

I'm standing in the dining room doorway staring at Erin's shirt and her belly. My mind is completely blank.

"Surprise.." She says with a nervous tone.

I look away from Erin and try to get a reaction from Abby and Patty.

They're holding up T-Shirts that say something about being an aunt. But I really couldn't care to read them.

I turn my attention back to Erin who now has her hands on her stomach.

"Well?" She asks looking at me with her eyebrows raised.

I try to find the words I want to say but nothing's coming out of my mouth.

"Congrats Erin!" Patty says as she jumps up and gives Erin and big hug.

Abby runs over and joins in on the hug they've got going and now make it a group hug.

I honestly don't know what to do at this point.

Last time I checked, I don't have a penis.

Last time I checked, Erin and I have never done anything like that or even spoken about getting married let alone having a kid.

"Holtzmann?" Abby says as she turn towards me with a smile.

"What the fuck." I say.

I finally after about 15 minutes could get the words out of my mouth. Or maybe it was me finally getting the courage to say something.

"Holtzmann." Patty says with an 'shut up' tone as she stares me down.

"No, seriously what the fuck. I'm confused." I say as I shake my head.

"Oh, yeah. It's kinda a funny story." Erin says with a laugh as she walks over towards me.

"Explain." I say as I fold my arms and narrow my eyes on her.

"Okay, it all started the day before you asked me to be your girlfriend. I had a ton of confidence that day so I went up to Kevin and kissed him. The you know everything fell into place." She says as she looks back and fourth from Abby, Patty, and I. I can hear the tone in her voice changing very rapidly.

"Bull shit." I say as I narrow my eyes even more.

"Holtzmann!" Patty snaps.

"I know she's lying Patty!" I snap back standing up for myself. I can hear the nervousness in her tone and the way her body language changed when she started talking about it.

"Isn't that right Erin?" I ask as I turn my body so now I'm facing her.

"I'm sorry Jillian." She says with a sigh.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" I scream at her.

I can see the tears start to fall down her cheeks.

"Jillian," She starts.

"No. When'd this happen." I snap back interrupting her.

"Holtzmann, come on." Abby says in a nervous tone as well.

"Erin." I say in an impatient tone.

"When I went down to tell Kevin he could leave right after you asked me to be your girlfriend." She says followed with a huge sob.

"Oh, shit." Patty says as she looks at me.

"Of fucking course. The one time I actually care for a fucking human being in a relationship way she turns around and sleeps with the fucking intern, WHO GETS HER PREGNANT, and then neglects to tell me for 4 months." I scream.

The Aftermath// a HoltzBert fanficWhere stories live. Discover now