Chapter 12

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Erin's POV

I'm laying in my bed starring at the ceiling.


My thoughts are driving me insane.

One minutes my thoughts will be about the thing growing inside my stomach and the next minute they'll be about what I wanna eat, or Holtzmann, or about where I can get good ice cream. It's really just a bunch of food thought combined with a thought about a person here or there.

My room is quite bland I guess. I've been told that it matches my personality.

I don't have any posters, there's no mess at all, I don't have anything besides pictures really.

I have probably a total of ten pictures through my entire room.

I would say probably six or seven of the pictures is of Abby, Patty, Holtzmann, and I all together at like the beach, all together in our suits, or kinda just hanging out really.

But by far my favorite picture I have of the four of us all together is a when Patty was trying to take a picture of the guy behind her. She opened up her camera and started to take the picture. When Holtzmann saw she ran over and made (one of) the weirdest she could. Abby, seeing Holtzmann face, jumped in on Patty's side and made a face also. Being the only one left out I decided to jump in the back and smile. She took the picture and it'd hanging on my wall.

As for the other three or four pictures I have of are Holtzmann and I from the past four almost five months. It's basically pictures of her making me laugh or us cuddling together.

Those ones I have on my nightstand.

I check my digital clock again after running through about a million more thoughts.


"I can't do this." I say to myself as I take the covers off my body and stand up. I'm wearing some pajama pants and a bra. I put my feet into some slippers that I have at the end of my bed and make my way over to my door.

"This is a better choice." I say as I open up the door and start to make my way down the hallway. But I'm only going two feet into Holtzmann's room.

Holtzman's room, is anything but boring. Her door is more exciting than my entire room is. Her door has biohazard stickers, 'caution' tape, and some pictures. After admiring her door I decide to open it.

I open the door quickly so that the loud creak won't make anyone mad.

I step into Holtzmann's room and quickly shut the door. Luckily, it shuts without making any noise this time.

I take a minute to listen to my surroundings. I know it probably sounds really weird but it works when you're in pitch black dark.

As I take a step towards Holtzmann's bed the floor creaks.

"Who's there?" I hear Holtzmann say. Through the dark I can just see the outline of her body sitting up.

"Me." I say with a giggle as I walk towards her body outline, now having at least something faint to tell me where to walk towards.

Holtzmann reaches over and turns on her lamp which lights up the entire room. Now I can see.

Holtzmann is sitting in her bed, wearing a white tank top and her hair is everywhere.

"What's wrong," She asks me as she rubs her eyes.

I make my way over to her bed completely and sit on the end of it.

"I can't sleep and I don't know why." I say back to her.

Holtzmann grabs my hand and gets out of bed.

"Holtzmann, what're you doing?" I asked a little bit concerned and confused.

She walks me over to the other side and throws the blanket off and sits me down and pulls the covers over my legs.

"Lay down. I'll tuck you in." She says looking straight into my eyes.

I lay down and laugh.

"Holtzmann, you don't have to do this." I say as she starts to tuck me in.

She continues to tuck me in and doesn't say a word.

"Holtzmann?" I ask getting just the littlest bit nervous.

I honestly don't know if she's still mad at me or not.

I mean dropping the "oh yeah I got pregnant the night my girlfriend asked me to be her girlfriend" is probably one of the worst things you could do to start a relationship honestly. But I don't think she would be tucking me into her bed if she was still mad at me, or maybe she would. I don't know at this point anymore.

Holtzmann finishes tucking me in and walks back over to her side of the bed. She sits down and puts the covers over herself and reaches for the lamp.

"Goodnight." She says as she turns the lamp off. Now it's pitch black once again.

We sit there in the same bed for about 15 minutes, both of us awake.

I can tell that Holtzmann's awake because her breathing patterns haven't changed. So I decide to ask her a question.

"Why'd you tuck me in like that? I mean you really didn't have to." I say.

I can hear the sound of the covers ruffling and all of the sudden the lamp's back on. Holtzmann is sitting up looking at me.

"Because this is your room now too. And I'm your girlfriend so I have to take care of you. Sorry, not have to, I want to take care of you. You couldn't sleep and you came in here. I want you in here always so you're not alone when you're awake anymore. I want to be helping fall asleep when you wake up. I want to help you through the next 5 months and then hopefully the rest of your life Erin." She says looking at me with a passionate gaze.

This all took me by shock. I could tell by the tone of her voice and the look in her eyes that she really meant every single word she said.

"So, you're not mad?" I ask as adjust my body so now I'm laying on my leg side facing her.

"I was. I was very mad at first. Like punch a wall mad. But after seeing you cry because of me and figuring things out on my own I know that this whole thing will bring us together more. Erin, we're going to be mothers. Can you believe that?!" She says back in an excited tone.

I laugh and grab her hand. She's starring at me with those beautiful, deep, baby blue eyes.

"Thank you Holtzmann." I say with a smile as look into her eyes.

"Come here ya goof." She says to me as she pulls me in tighter to her body.

She wraps her arms around me with one arm under my head and the other on my stomach.

"I love you Erin. Get some sleep." She says as she reaches for the light and turns it off. It's goes dark again.

"I love you too Holtzmann." I say back with a big yawn.

All of the sudden I feel her lips pressed up against my forehead.

My eyes close, and my mind starts to wander into my dreams.

"I'm always going to love you." That's the last thing I hear before I completely fall asleep.

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