Part. Fourteen. Beauty.

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dSarah. It sounds wrong now. Sarah. Say it out loud. Listen to it roll off your lips. Sarah. I can't remember how it started it was a little here and there and then she was like she never left. She had somewhere she wanted to be. We were lucky enough to have it be with us.
  The first time I really remember her coming over to the house Kansas cooked like a real meal of pancakes, l, 3and bacon. I was convinced to have her ;around all the time if it got Kansas to fry bacon. We drove out to my old caretakers house to pick up a board game I had left in a closet. We took back roads and drifted around the turns that were extra wide so they could transport wind turbines down them.
I told my lovely friends that the movie cars saved my life one time because I was drive back from dropping off a girl and it was late so I wasn't completely focused and at the last second I saw the road turned a sharp 90 degree angle and I drifted like Lightning McQueen was taught despite never having done it before. I end up a tread away from the ditch that would have been an easy three foot drop into a fence.
Sarah said I should call and or write Pixar and let them know that in my dire moment I turned to a children's movie for my saving grace and honestly when she put it like that I was kinda disappointed in myself for that. I still think it awesome.
We played the game when we got back to the house and had the worst luck with dice rolls allowing the game to just never start even after mindless playing for hours. That was the first night Kansas convinced Sarah to smoke with us.
She had smoked before but never like this. Just some "good time chiefing " with her ex. Not "worship the herb like it's the center-fold of you're Christmas playboy". That was her first time on her way to stoner princess and that's something she was most definitely.
Time past and we became very comfortable around each other. The country side became golden with fall and Kansas' place of peace than became my place of rest quickly became our place of being really fucking stoned.
The music was good, the Netflix account was bomb ass, the weed was hella, best of all money was never a problem but we all barely work. Thinking about Sarah definitely didn't.
It was the beginning of a sudden growth. A change in weather. The summer was over and Sarah was here to lead us fearlessly into the cold. (Which it's Texas so not that cold though).
Kansas was a gift in himself. He became a friend to me and every way I needed. He pulled me out of a rut and showed me life again. He taught me the anger in calm and the wraith in forgiveness. The upper hand of allowing yourself to let go. The advantage of acceptance.
Kansas was all this and more that's why I wrote a book about him. A thank you if you will, to a friend I didn't deserve but I desperately needed. I gave him every kind word I could spare and every adventure we shared I captured the best I could with all my favorite words. I've immortalized him within these blank pages as a tribute to the existence of wonderful person and his beautiful mind.
Now there's something else I have to write. Another tribute if you will. This time to a girl who was a gift from my gift. An cherry on the sundae. More than I could ask for. A chance to get to hold the rarest beauty I have ever seen and a connection between those two that hold me together even now.
From now on every last word, no matter how truthful will be about the girl I was lucky enough to met and ill fated enough to lose. I hope it's something you can be proud of. At least a nod to your greatness although it hardly does you justice. God's gift to stoners and the beauty of soul.

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