Part Six: Q.

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You're probably wondering why I'm naming a chapter after the name of a girl that I just wrote out in the last paragraph. Well to answer that it's because novels have 1400 to 1600 words and I can't write that much about events from between December of 2014 though to November of 2015. Welcome to the backstory.
I was a sophomore in high school, I had just been told to voluntarily remove myself from school in my hometown because the school suggest me too. So I did, I enrolled in a neighboring school and become the new kid for the seventh time in my standard education career.
Luckily for me, the seventh time was the charm and I met the love of my life in the band hall of my new school. I'll tell you all about him in his own book, he's definitely filled it. I also met my high school sweet heart in the same room, at the same time.
I asked the love of my life, Nicholas, about the cute blonde glancing at me from across the room. He informed me that she was freshman who was into my type. Punk rock, black cargo pants, converse shoes, long sleeve shirts with an decade old band logo, and I have just cut off two feet of hair in order to get into this disgrace to education.
According all I had to do to get this cherry's number  (who was staring at me with one eye cover by the hair sweeping across her face) was ask.
I didn't know it at the time but 3 years later she would be the only person in the entire world who would ever read my note.
I don't regret it at all, only sending her the note. There are just somethings in life that need to be brought to a close, at the time she was all of them. Maybe that why she never called when she heard about what happened, maybe I ended things between us too well. I honestly for the life of me can't remember what I wrote. I'll never know what my last words almost were.
After acquiring the prettiest girl I had met up until that point's number Nicholas led my too the library for flex. Which is a free period for students to do things that benefit them.
That's when I mean the second most beautiful blonde of my existence at the time. (I keep having to state at the time because my current love interest is blonde. I have a think for blondes with wavy hair it's my type). She was stunning and that a lot to say coming from a guy who has a serious problem appreciating females. In the words of Hank moody "Never really all that interested, but I find myself telling her how beautiful she is anyway. 'cause it's true – all women are, in one way or another. You know, there's always something about every damn one of you. There's a smile, a curve, a secret. You ladies really are the most amazing creatures. My life's work. But then there's the morning after. The hangover, and the realization that I'm not quite as available as I thought I was the night before. And then she's gone. And I'm haunted by yet another road not taken."
My problem appreciating females wasn't that I didn't appreciate them it's simply that I appreciate all of them. It makes loving one overly optimistic. When there's a million things that make everyone unique, finding one unique to me means finding one that appreciates me for longer than a night, that's the real challenge.(Bet you never thought you'd hear that coming from a 19 year old male) it's ok though sometimes you only need a night.
Her hair was reflecting the sunlight perfectly to bounce the most beautiful protons onto my retina. Her smile at Nicolas made me jealous of his presence. The way the goddess of rested her head on her hand as she lend over someone homework and copied them on to her own paper made my smile with the thought of how insane it was to openly cheat in the middle of an crowd room. I was instantly crushing but then again I often was.
When we approach I could her the beetles I am the walrus play somewhere distant as the sound waves gentle shook my ear drums. The nickname que-que-choo was born from the first words I heard her speak as she sung vibrantly along with Paul McCartney. The nick name was quickly shorten to Q due the originals obsessive length.
She hate my at first because I broke her pin and with the bell about to ring she didn't have to find another to finish cheating. I lucked out and fixed her pin, allowing her to pass her class, starting a wonderful friendship leading me to want more than that for years. ( some might call this the friend zone but I assure you, no one isn't dating someone because there to nice. Scientists have studied it, your just not compatible. Google it. Vsause did an amazing video explaining this.)
Q starting hanging with me out side of school at the start of the next school year where I introduced her to a friend of mine. They foolishly fell in love like all high school students do. I was left running a business in the large town 30 miles away from my high school and partying fabulously off the money that business made me. I was also seeing the pretty blonde from the band hall Nic was living with me in my hometown while dating another friend of mine from my old school you can. You could say I'm a bit of a match maker. The world was beautiful still drug use was a weekend only event and Friday night meant making out on the band bus, I wasn't even in band.
I had the money, the girl, the friends, and the booze. What more could I guy dream of? Only if it could have lasted forever. Probably, well probably not.

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