Chapter 11 - Fear and Anxiety

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-- Hanamaki's POV --

After we got to the neighbourhood, which happened to have quite a lot of walkers, but not too much that it's to worry about. We got to a house and cleared it out, blocking the doors and windows and whatever else needed to be blocked off.

Once everything was secure, I decided I would rest up and Mattsun could keep watch.

"Night, Mattsun.." I yawned and laid down on cold hardwood floor that was there, curling up in a ball. There were mattresses upstairs, but they were covered in walker blood and also blood in general. I closed my eyes breathing softly, listening to Mattsun's soft humming to distract me from the walkers.

-- Matsukawa's POV --

I sat there humming, trying to calm Hanamaki down. Like everyone, he was afraid of the walkers, but with him he was extremely afraid. I'm not too positive on where the immense fear came from, but I do know that he can't stand to look at or hear walkers. I sometimes feel bad for dragging him along with me to the group, but I also don't because it means I can protect him. I don't want my bean to be left alone.

As time passed, Makki fell asleep and the noises started getting worse. The groans getting more and more louder and maybe even multiplying.

I stood up and walked towards the window and looked through the small crack seeing almost thousands of walkers. I quickly backed up, going towards Hanamaki and waking him up.

"Hanamaki...! Makki wake up...!" I yelled quietly and he woke up, rubbing his eyes. I'm guessing he got the idea quickly because his eyes shot open and he stood up on both of his feet taking out his weapon.

"M-matts-sun... They c-can't get u-us can they..?" Makki asked shakily. I could tell his anxiety was acting up badly. With his fear of walkers and the loud sounds of groaning, he was destined to have an anxiety attack soon.

Right when I thought it couldn't get worse, it did.


There were multiple bangs on the door, one after another all trying to break down the door and get to us. I quickly put my hand over Makki's mouth so he wouldn't scream. "C'mon, Makki. Let's go down stairs. I'm pretty sure there's an exit out that way." Makki nodded and slowly, but surely followed close behind me, going downstairs.

As soon as we made it down stairs the door broke.

"Makki, over here." I said and dragged him to the back of the room, hiding in a small space.

The sound of feet slowly being dragged across the ground echoed throughout the basement, getting closer and more audible. I held Makki close to me, his heart beating like he just finished a marathon and his breath and body shaky. His eyes were glossed over with tears that were waiting to fall. He held onto me tightly, putting his face in my chest, shaking uncontrollably.

He was about to say something when a walker turned the corner and immediately tried grabbing at us. Makki let out a small winner of fear.

"Shit..! Makki stay here." I said as I tried getting out of Makki's grip while also trying to stab the walker's head. I did that successfully and got out of Makki's hold in the process.

"M-m-mat-tsun-n..!" Hanamaki cried out, going to reach for me again, only to curl up in a ball and hold his head, crying like child.

"I'll make sure you're safe Makki..." I mumbled before looking around for an exit. After awhile of looking and protecting Hanamaki, I found the exit and went to go get him only to find out walkers were starting fill in the rooms space more, going closer to him. "Makki, get up and protect yourself!" I yelled. He sat up quickly, grabbing the closest weapon to him.

-- Hanamaki's POV --

I quickly sat up once I heard Matsukawa tell me to protect myself. I was scared and terrified, shaking like crazy. My head hurt and my eyes were burning due to the tears in my eyes. I grabbed a metal pole and hit the closest walker with it. "M-mat-tsun!! P-p-please help!" I yelled, wanting to cry more. My spirits were lifted when he started stepping away from the exit, but dropped instantly once he was pulled out of the door. "Matsukawa!!!" I screamed, shaking more. I immediately got up, trying to get through the horde and to the exit, trying not to get bit or scratched. It was difficult, so so difficult.

-- Konoha's POV --

After waking up from my serious beating from Oikawa, I got up and grabbed my stuff, attempting to move as best I could. It hurt nonetheless, but it wasn't much for me. After about a day or two of walking I noticed a small neighbourhood and took shelter there. The walkers nearby weren't that bad at the time when I came here. Now they're everywhere. I quickly made my escape, but noticed a certain house with walkers moving inside quickly. I decided to check it out, slipping past the walkers, heading towards the basement exit and seeing an open door. I walked over to the door and quickly pulled whoever was holding the door open, out.

"Wha- what the fuck?! Let me go!"

"Mats-" I was cut off by a high pitched scream, it filled with terror and betrayal, sadness and abandonment, grief and fear, just so much emotion.

"Konoha, let go of me! Makki's in there!!" Matsukawa struggled to get out of my grip, but I refused to let him go.

"I know and he'll make it out himself! But for now we have to go!" I yelled, tightening my grip on Matsukawa pulling him away from the door.

"Matsukawa!! Matsun please!! Answer me please Matsun!" Hanamaki screamed in complete fear. I know he wanted to see if Matsukawa was okay or not, but we had to go and we couldn't just stand here.

Right when Matsun was about to give in, the door swung open and Hanamaki stumbled out, immediately shoving himself against the door to close it. Hanamaki soon fell to the ground once the door was closed and locked, Matsukawa running over to him.

-- Matsukawa's POV --

I ran over to Makki after I managed to get out of Konoha's grip. Hanamaki was shaking like crazy and as soon as I got close enough he latched onto me like a small child.

"Konoha, cover us." I said and I picked up Hanamaki, following Konoha and making it out of the neighbourhood safely. Everything we brought with us didn't really come back with us. As we got away from the walkers that seemed to have followed us out of the neighbourhood, we walked to the safest place we could find so I could calm down Hanamaki.

"M-Matsu-n... C-can't bre-eath..." Hanamaki whispered as I sat down on the ground with him in my lap. I rocked slowly back and forth, humming a soft tune and rubbing Makki's back.

"You'll be okay, Makki... I'm here.." I whispered. It started to get darker and that was usually a bad thing, but tonight the moon seemed to shine brighter. The stars that started to appear sparkled in the sky since forever and nights air seemed to be nice relaxing kind of warmth. A night like this calmed Hanamaki down a lot. So much that he fell asleep.

"I think we should head back to camp.." Konoha mentioned and I stopped him.

"No... Iwaizumi and the others packed it up so we'll be meeting up somewhere else."

Konoha nodded, showing that he understood and put on a thinking face.

"What's that face for?" I asked chuckling softly.


Hope you enjoyed!!! Sorry for this being so late! I wasn't feeling well at first and then I didn't know what to write about but here it is! Chapter 11! Anyway, see ya!!

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