Chapter 19: Open Your Eyes

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Alysa POV:


That's all I could hear.









Open your eyes....


All I could see was white. It's like I was sitting in a white room. I looked around me and there was nothing. 


"Who's there?" I said.

"It's me."

"Mom? Is that you?" 

"Yes it's me."

"Why can't I see you?" I asked. 

"Because it's not your time to join me yet."

"Where am I then?" I asked again. 

"That I can not answer. We don't have enough time. I'm glad to see you have found a family Alysa."

"I did. I'm sorry that I left my other one. I didn't mean to hurt you." I said sadly. 

"It was your destiny to find Harry. I am very proud of you. I know that if not for Harry you would have never let anyone else in. You needed to leave in order to heal."

"How am I doing so far?" I asked. 

"You are doing just fine, but you have along ways to go. You will go through many struggles in your near future, but you need to let people in to help you through them. I know you can do it honey."

"Will you watch over me mom?" I asked. 

"Of course I will. I will always be with you." 

"I love you mom." I said. 

"And I love you, but I don't want to see you hear again for a long time." 


"Yes mom?" I asked. 

"Open your eyes." 

My eyes slowly fluttered open. It was hard to keep them open at first but I eventually got them to stay. I looked around me to see I was in a hospital room. Harry was sitting next to me with his head on the bed. He was sleeping. 

Niall, Liam , and Louis were sitting on the couch sleeping with a sleeping Lys laying across their laps. Morgan and Jaz were sleeping on a blanket on the floor. I could see Zayn and Maddi standing against the wall outside of my room, and Ross was sleeping in the chair. 

I looked at the clock to see it was about 3am. I started running my fingers through Harry's hair. His eyes slowly fluttered open. He stared at me for a minute before leaning up and kissing my forehead.

"You scared me." He said.

"I know. I'm sorry." I told him.

"I think it will be better to talk about it with Dr. Rollof so you don't have to keep talking about it over and over again." Harry said.

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