Chapter 3: London

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Harry and I had woken up early to leave for the airport this morning. We were now seated in first class of a huge jet. I couldn't believe I was flying first class! We pretty much had our own private room. There were two bucket seats at a table facing each other and across the isle there was a couch slash bed type thing.

"So how long will this flight last?" I asked Harry.

"Its about ten hours." he said.

"Ten hours! I have never flown more than four hours. What am I going to do on a plane for ten hours?" I exclaimed.

"Well I am here to entertain you and you have your phone and laptop and iPad and iPod. Shall I keep going?" He laughed.

"Hey I didn't ask you to bye me all those things! In fact I tried to stop you from getting those things for me!." I told him.

"I know I know, I wanted to get those for you though. I am legally your dad now. And I plan to spoil you rotten!" He said and suddenly started tickling me.

"Harry stop!" I laughed.

Harry stopped tickling me when the flight attendant walked in to ask if we needed anything. We were going to be taking off so Harry and I had to sit at the seats at the table and buckle up. When the plane started to take off my eyes were glooed to the window. I used to love flying! I still do I just haven't thought a lot about it in a long time.

When we had gotten into the air the pilot told us we could unbuckle. Harry got up and went and sat on the couch. I looked out the window one more time before getting out my iPod. I put on my beats headphone and went to sit by Harry. I picked my playlist that was named scars. Harry raised an eyebrow wanting to know why I named it that.

"I will explain later." I told him.

With that I layed my head in Harry's lap and fell asleep












I woke up and took in my surroundings. Harry had shifted us so that he was also lying down and I was laying against his chest. I checked my phone to see that I had been asleep for about seven hours. I must have been really tired. I slowly tried to remove Harry's arm from around my waist.

It wasn't creepy having him hold me. It felt nice to have someone hold you. It was in a fatherly way I really liked it.

As I sat up Harry fluttered his eyes and looked at me. He smiled at me but I didn't give him one back. He slowly sat up and ran his hand through his hair.

"Your hair is messed up." I told him.

"I will just put on my beanie." he said.

I saw him grab his grey beanie and pull it over his messy curls. I got up and walked over to the window. We were still flying over the ocean as far as I could tell. I sat in the seat at the table as Harry sat in the seat across from me. I decided to take out my laptop. I haven't been on my twitter or Facebook since before my parents passed. I surprisingly remembered all my passwords and usernames.

I was utterly shocked! My Facebook timeline was filled with many posts that were even from today. All of my friends from my old school were posting things on my page! There were things like "I miss you" and "We will always love you Alysa". There were posts from my family as well. When I looked on my Twitter I saw the exact same thing. I immediately went on Morgan's page and went back to the date of when I left my home town. I saw a post that absolutely broke my heart.

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