1- Getting To Know Him

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"Bella hurry up! Time's a ticking and we better reach there before sunset." Mia called out. "I'm coming! Just one thing left." I responded.

I took my books from my locker and shoved them into my black leather shoulder bag, taking my phone and rushed to exit the school. I opened the door to Mia's BMW and sat next to Mia who sat at the wheel.

"Finally! I thought you wouldn't come out for at least a decade." Mia exclaimed. "Don't be so dramatic, Lincoln. Now are we going or what?" I said putting on my sunglasses.

"I thought you wouldn't ask." She replied with a sly smirk and off they went to the recording studio. I rushed inside and asked Kate for my package. "Here you go, sunshine. Come in tomorrow to meet Caiden. He needs you to sign the new contract." She said handing me the package.

"Sure thing. See you tomorrow Kate!" I said rushing to get back inside the car. "We have about 15 minutes left to reach the mountains," Mia announced looking at her watch. It was our ritual to go to the mountains once a month to watch the sunset. "Let's go."

We reached our destination just in time and watched the mesmerizing view. Soon we heard a beep from Mia's phone, interrupting us. She checked her phone and said, "There's a new boy in town." And that's how I first heard of Anthony.

Anthony Blake, darkest brown hair with deep hazel eyes, the moment I laid my eyes on him I was flabbergasted.I saw him in my bus and avoided any eye contact. I wanted to allow my face to expand into a wide smile but refrained from it and got off the bus as soon I reached school.

Not talking to anyone, I rushed to my class and went to Mia's class. I belted out, "Hello? It's me!" Mia sang, "I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet."

I pulled her into a bear hug and we started to sing random songs while spinning around and trying to pirouette.I was about to spin my way out the room when I accidentally smacked into someone and we both ended up falling, me on top of the person.

I got up and rubbed my head in pain and lent a hand to the person. When I started to apologize, I recognized the person. Anthony Blake! I said sorry about a million times and rushed out the class completely embarrassed.I went in my class and soon our teacher came in and we took down lecture notes.

After 2 long hours, we had lunch. Mia came to my class and after grabbing my food and my sketchbook we both headed for the willow tree behind the school.We sat under the tree and while Mia ate her sandwich, I finished the sketch of the willow tree.

After lunch, we went back to class and continued taking down some more notes. School was finally over and I headed to my bus.

"Hey Bella, you wanna sit with us?" Jacob called out when I entered the bus. "Sure!" I replied. I sat next to Kevin and took out my sketchbook. "I finally finished the sketch. Check it out." I handed my book over to Jacob.

"Damn girl! This looks so cool."Jacob complimented as he passed the book around.Everyone stopped chattering when the book finally reached Anthony. "So, what do you think?" Kevin asked.

"It's amazing. Where did you learn to sketch like that?" I could feel my cheeks turning red. "I just picked up different techniques from many different resources and combined them with my style." He nodded and gave my book back. The rest of the ride we just introduced ourselves and listened to music. I got off first and went straight into my room. Just the thought of Anthony made me blush. I finished any homework that was assigned and took my dog for a walk.

On the way, I saw a bookstore and wanted to check out a few books but couldn't because of Cookie, my poodle. I sighed and continued walking her. Lost in thoughts, I bumped into someone. I quickly apologized but the passerby just brushed me off. I headed back home just in time for dinner.

After dinner, I sat on my desk and simply started sketching whilst listening to "Aaron Burr, Sir". I soon fell asleep on my desk. I woke up an hour late, quickly got ready and left for school without breakfast.

I flipped through my sketchbook and nervously looked at my recent sketch unsure whether it was enough to participate in Global Cultural Fest. I had worked hard to come up with the idea completely absorbing the fact that this was my last chance before I had to focus on my studies to get into a good college.

My art teacher approached me and asked me to hand over my book. I hesitantly gave it to her. She looked at the sketch and asked me to follow her. I felt like my life was being sucked out of me. I was freaking out internally. I had no idea if it was going to be good news or bad. I thought of the worst scenarios that could take place.

She looked at me and smiled. "You will represent our school at the Global Cultural Fest. Tomorrow, I'll let you know the details. Meet me during lunch." I let out a sigh of relief. I returned to my class and the rest of the day was a blur.

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