6- You're So Beautiful

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Hearing the impactful sound, we both broke our gaze and quickly pulled away. The source of the terrifying sound was an explosion of a ship which was on course to the nearest port. Many rushed to aid any survivors. I couln't believe that I witnessed such an unfortunate event. My heart was beating faster than I could imagine. The world was spinning in front of me. Before I knew it, I collapsed in Jong Suk's arms. I knew nothing of what happened next.

"Bella, please wake up. I don't want to lose you. I think... I'm falling for you."

I could hear a familiar voice sobbing. I just couldn't make out who it was. The more I tried to think the more my head throbbed. I sat up massaging my temples. I was engulfed in a hug before I could even say a word.

"Do you know how much you scared me? I almost died! Anyways, how are you feeling?" He yelled into my ears. "I'm fine! Don't worry." I said gently patting his back to calm him down.

"Bella?" The door to my room opened. I couldn't do anything but give her a fake smile. "Mia, what are you doing here?" She rushed to pull me into a warm embrace. Oh, how I missed my buddy. "I was so scared. I'm sorry for being so distant. I didn't know what I was thinking," She sobbed onto my shoulder. "I'm very sorry."

"It's okay. I'm fine." She wiped away her tears. "I didn't come here alone. I brought my boyfriend along. Anthony! Come in!" As soon as the door opened, the bitter feeling came back. I thought I had gotten over it, but I was wrong. I wanted to crush him into pieces. He gave me a sinister smile.

"Hey Bella! How are you? You've changed.. " He uttered. I couldn't help but let out a scoff. "It's good to see you too", I replied with bitterness lacing every word.

"You wanna go out for a meal? My treat." Mia asked. Jong Suk knew how much I didn't want to go because of Anthony. " I don't think-" "Of course! It's been long since we've got together anyways." I said cutting him off.

Jong Suk whispered, " Are you sure?" I replied, "Yeah. I am."

We agreed to meet at 4:00, which left me with 2 hours to get ready. I took a warm bath and changed into a pair of black pants and a comfy oversized sweater.
(A/N: Don't you love sweaters? I love the oversized ones. They're sooo comfy 🙂)

I didn't bother applying any makeup since I was a lazy potato. I knocked on Jong Suk's door and went down to the lobby with him. I suddely felt anxious. My palms were clamy. I was damn nervous. Noticing me almost have a mental breakdown, Jong Suk held my hand. "It's going to be okay. You've come so far fighting. Don't sweat over him, princess."

"Bella!" Mia waved with Anthony by her side. They walked towards us with interlocked hands. "Let's go. I'm starving." She spoke with a cheery smile.

We arrived at a very rustic looking restaurant by the sea side. After ordering, we chatted on how school was going and Mia fed me with the latest gossip. It was as though I had completely forgotten about what has happened. Amidst the laughing and gossiping, Jong Suk amd I had many weird as moments which we didn't seem to notice.

"So you guys are a thing now?" Mia asked. I was about to answer but Jong Suk beat me to it. "Yeah, we are." I looked at him with confusion. "Just play along." He whispered.

"Ooh! How long now?" Mia asked with utmost excitment. "2 months." He answered giving them a half smile. "I don't believe it." Anthony muttered with a voice barely audible. "What?" Mia asked. "Nothing." He mumbled.

The space was then filled with awkward silence. Mia then spoke up, "I think it's time we go. It's getting quite late now." "Yeah we should." We all agreed and travelled back to the lobby. "Take care Bella! We'll be meeting soon. And I want all the details. I can't believe you hid it from me all along!" I let out a nervous chuckle. "I will. Have a safe trip back! Bye!" I waved them goodbye and went back to my room with Jong Suk.

"Ughhh! What a tiring day." Jong Suk exclaimed streching his arms. "I agree." I plopped onto the bed and laid down next to Jong Suk. "To be honest, I miss the days Mia and I spent together. I feel really uncomfortable around Anthony." I let out a heavy sigh. "I'm going to shower." I said and made my way to the bathroom. I let the warm water drip onto my body releasing the tension I had in me. I wrapped a towel around me after realising that I forgot to bring my clothes with me.

I walk out of the bathroom just to be hugged by Jong Suk. "Yah! I need to change." I said. "Nope. I'm not letting you go. My 'girlfriend' is sooo hot. How can I?" He teased. "Oh come on! I need to change. Pretty please~" "Okay, okay. I'll go but I need to do this first." He peck my lips and exited the room chuckling.

My cheeks were flushed. I shrugged off the thought of it and changed into a oversized hoodie. I then got a text from him.

Hey! I got your fave snacks and movies. Come over when you're done.

I knocked on his door and entered into his room. "Hey I got salty buttered popcorns, hot cheetos, noodles, tissues and your favourite movie, Me before you!" I let out a hearty laugh when I saw him placing the snacks on the bed. "Aww. How sweet! Thank you." I placed a kiss on his cheeks and snuggled into the bed. He joined me soon after starting the movie.

Half way through the movie I was crying a river and had used up the entire tissue box. Jong Suk patted my back and kept me warm through out. I placed my head on his chest and stopped crying for a while. "You look pretty even while crying. But stop crying." I lifted my head and hit his arm. "Seriously!?" I huffed. He simply shrugged and chuckled.

We both drank half a bottle of soju, laughing at stupid things. We talked for ages. Before I knew it, we both were kising each other passionately. His mouth moved in sync with mine. This soon led to a hot make out session. We pulled away to catch a breath. "You're so beautiful." He whispered.

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