7- New feelings

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I woke up to sound of the doorbell ringing. My head was pounding. I opened the door and the room service put a breakfast tray on the table and left quickly. I sat on the bed yawning. I saw my reflection in the vanity and freaked out. Why the fuck am I in Jong Suk's room? And why the fuck am I wearing his shirt? I quickly pulled off the covers and saw Jong suk peacefully snoring, shirtless. I stood up frantically and rushed into the washroom. I couldn't comprehend what was going on.

Then, it came to me. We kissed. "Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" I paced back and forth in the washroom. After a few minutes of hard thinking, I quietly made my way back to the bed. My eyed wandered around the room and spotted my clothes lying in a corner. The wildest thoughts ran through my brain. I wanted to slap myself.

"Bella? What time is it?" Jong Suk's raspy morning voice rung through my ears. "It's 9." I muttered. He sat on the bed. "Hey, you okay?" He asked with concern. "What happened last night exactly. I- I remember the kiss but nothing after that." My face turned red with embarrasment.

"Oh love," he chuckled, "nothing happened last night. We kissed that's all. If you're wondering about your clothes, you were feeling hot so I gave you my shirt." I turned away, hoping he didn't see my tomato red face. "You're a better kisser than I thought." He cupped my face and brought it closer to his own. "You don't have to be embarrassed love." His soft lips met mine and we shared a beautiful kiss.

After breakfast, I headed to my room. I plopped onto the bed. The recent happenings ran through my mind. I couldn't help but feel giddy.  We were going to have an early dinner today and then catch a flight back at 11 pm.

I took a warm bath and wore a flowy, black dress with half sleeves. I roamed around the beach, finding pleasure as the waves touched my feet. I suddenly felt home sick. I missed Cookie. She would love it here. I let out a heavy sigh. I stared at the horizon that stretched over miles. Lost in other deep thoughts, I mindlessly kicked sand here and there.

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist. In an instant I knew who it was. "What are you doing here? I thought you had some business to attend to?" I questioned whilst holding onto his hands. He swiftly turned me around. My arms hung  around his neck.

"I finished and came back as fast as I could. Didn't you miss me?" I chuckled. "Not a bit." His mouth formed a cute frown. "Really? Because I missed you tons." He nuzzled his head into my neck. I ruffled his hair. "Pabo-ya. I missed you, arreso?" His face lit up at my words. I giggled at his childishness. We further walked down the beach.

"We have a 20 minutes to dinner," I announced look at my watch. The sunset was beautiful. At the corner of my eye I could see Jong Suk staring at me. I gave him a quizzical look. "What?" He simply shook his head. He then grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. We had momentary eye contact before he smashed his lips onto mine. He gave me a feeling no one ever did. The moment was soothing. It didn't feel like lust. It was as though we simply wanted to feel love.  Out of breath, I pulled away and placed my head on his shoulders.

Dinner was wonderful. Time passed quickly. We were on the way to the airport. I'm going to miss this place. We checked in our luggage. Soon we were boarding the plane. The journey was nothing but peaceful. I couldn't help but admire Jong Suk's face. The past few days have been... worth living. But I don't understand what we stand as now. 

Exhausted, we both crashed at my place. We didn't say anything and fell fast asleep. I woke up with hair tangled and muscles sore. After freshening up, I made us some sandwiches. I tried to shake Jong Suk up but it only resulted in him pulling me into the bed with him. "Oppa~ Wake up." I said in the cringiest and cutest voice possible. This better be worth it.

After what felt like hours of persuading, he finally woke up. It was a sunday and I had to go to school tomorrow. Ughhh. Just the thought of going to school made me gag. Filling my belly with good food an hour ago, I decided to workout. A few circuits through, I finished. "Yo Jong Suk, wanna watch movies?" I yelled. "Sure. Gimme a sec." He hollered back.

"What are the options? Hmm... Let's see." Jung Suk went through a plethora before finally deciding on Finding Nemo. Half way through the movie we were bawling our eyes out. I sat between his legs and my body leaned on his. It was calming.

We ended up ordering pizza and watched quite a few movies.

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