Drama with my best friends

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Henry's pov
I slam my bedroom door shut just before Charlotte could say anything else. She just cheated on me with my best friend. I think this as a picture of Charlotte, Jasper and I catch my eye.I sniffle holding back tears as I pick up the picture. Charlotte had her arm on my shoulder and Jasper is holding one of his buckets. In this picture we were all about 5 or six. A small smile appears on my face threw tears as I set down the picture. We have never fought like this before the whole time we've been friends. Of course we had tiny fights about sharing or who gets what but with those little fight we get together in the next 5 minutes. I remember one time when we all were around 7 Charlotte threatened us that she won't talk to us if we don't do our homework and being our stupid selfs we didn't do it. She angrily stomped away and never talked to us until the next day of school. We all made up the next day and act like nothing happened. But now. Everything is different. Everything. I settle on my bed sighing. I miss them already. I've never been a day without seeing them our talking to them. But now I just need one day. One.

*The next day*
(Still Henry's pov)

I wake up by somebody pocking my face. I just knew it was Ray.

"What." I groan still pretty angry remembering about all that happened yesterday.

"Wow jeez dude it's just time to get up for school jeez." Ray snickers and leaves my bedroom closing the door so I could get changed. I groan and fall out of my bed and stood up walking tiredly into my closet too get changed.

I slip on my black and gray flannel then my shoes. I grab my backpack then just remembered. Charlotte and Jasper are probably on there way. I can't talk to them right now. I grab my phone and make a group chat.

Me: don't even bother coming to my house and walking with me too school.
Char: Henry I'm sorry
Jasp: me 2 plz forgive us
Me: i need sometime alone.

I just off my phone and slipped it into my backpack. That's when I heard the shop's store door ring telling us someone is at the door. I shrug it off and use the elevator.

As I got up to the shop. I noticed the people who where at the door where.... Jasper and Charlotte.

I roll my eyes opening the store door and slipping past both of them. I heard footsteps behind me and I felt a soft small hand touch my shoulder. I knew it was Charlotte.

"Please Henry...here us out. You mean the world to me and I don't want too-"

"Don't want too loose me? Interesting, Then why did you kiss him." I ask not turning my back too face her or him.

"Henry...I didn't kiss him he-"

"Kissed you. Yeah that's what I thought. And did you pull back?" Silence throbbed the air after I questioned that. I sigh and that let me know it was a no. "See." I say harshly and start too walk too school once more.

As I enter the school doors I head straight towards my locker, and opened it with a touch of my thumb. I gather my text books for my first class then slam it shut as in the corner of my eyes I saw Charlotte and Jasper enter they had a guilty and sad expression on there faces but I don't care. I do care. I don't care!
I fought with my own thoughts. I-i do care.

I felt Jasper hand and Charlotte's hand touch my shoulder. I turn around slowly facing them the first time since yesterday, since Charlotte told me they had kissed. And since Jasper felt bad about the tweet.

"Henry we get that your mad. We get that you don't want to look our talk too us anymore. And we get it. We deserve it." Charlotte explains pointing to Jasper and her then slowly starting to walk away. But...I Couldn't just throw away those ten years of friendship.

"Wait." I call. Jasper and Charlotte both turn around with a confused and saddened expression. I felt so bad now. I made them feel like that.

"I-I forgive you!" I shout with tears rolling down my eyes as I bring them both into a group hug. The hug me back tightly crying as well. I never wanted to let my best friends go. Neither did they. And I was glad. I never wanted to loose them.

A/n: who else is glad that they made up? I sure am. I could never think of Charlotte, Jasper and Henry apart. On the show they see me to be together 24:7. I wish I had that friendship with my friends. see the drama always swips away like a tear wiped away from your cheek. Every friend fights but true friends make up. I promise I'll keep u guys updated! Peace ✌️

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