The Accident Chapter 1

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You lived in Ireland with your best friend Keeghan in an apartment. You love your two jobs of doing YouTube and being a part-time coffee shop worker. You have always loved Jacksepticeye and Markiplier since you were 15. (Your 25 in this) Today when you got off work, you and Keeghan were gonna go to the game shop to go pick out some new video games to play for both your Youtube channels. You got in your car after your shift and Texted Keeghan.

(K -Keeghan. Y- You.)

Y- Hey Keeghan, get ready to go because I'm on my way home from work. :p

K- Ok, don't you wanna change? Or are you to lazy? ;-;

Y- I'll just throw on a jacket. And Your lazy too. I bet you didn't even change out of your pjs did you.

K- ... maybe...

Y- Exactly, anyways see you then.

-Time skipped-

When Keeghan and you got back from getting 2 games which were Detroit Become Human and undertale, (my favourite games) you guys both recorded a video for YouTube. It was getting close to dinner and there was nothing good to eat. So you decided to go get some things from the store.

"Hey Keeghan I'm going to go to the shop to get some food for dinner." You yell.

"Yay food." she's says before you walked out the door.

You decided to walk because the shop wasn't far from your apartment and you didn't want to waste gas.

-after shopping for food-

You were walking back to the apartment when someone bumped into you and you dropped the bag with the glass jar in it.

"Omg I'm so sorry!! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Are you okay?"

You recognize that voice as if you heard it before today. You look up to see Jacksepticeye, THE Jacksepticeye!! You held back your fan girl and answered him.

"It's ok, and I'm fine" you said quietly

"Here let me carry your bags to you apartment or house. It's the least I can do to show I'm sorry." Jack said.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it." You told him. While walking you and him started talking.

"Hey aren't you Jacksepticeye?" You ask.

"Yeah, you're not gonna kidnap me when we get to your apartment or house are you?" He said in a funny tone.

You let out a small chuckle, "No, I'm not that kind of fan girl. Oh, and my name is y/n."

"That's a pretty name." He tells you.

Omg Jack said I have a pretty name!

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