Chapter 5

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After the movie, you and Jack were still holding hands on the way home and saying funny dead pool references. When you guys finally reached your apartment Jack asked if you wanted to go out somewhere and eat. You kept walking with Jack and let go of his hand to text Keeghan you would be home later and there's food in the fridge for her. Then you grabbed Jack's hand again and kept walking.

When you got to the restaurant, You and Jack got a booth and sat down.

(Jack's point of view)

"Hi my name is Kyle, I will be your waiter for tonight, can I get you something to drink?" 

"I'll have Pepsi." You say.

"And for you beautiful?" Kyle says looking at y/ n.

Really, your gonna flirt with my girl while I'm right there? Wait, my girl? I'm not even dating her. I wish I was but I'm not yet.

"I'll also have a Pepsi too." She says.

Kyle wrights something down and hands it to y/ n and goes to get our drinks. 

I think y/n can tell I was a little mad, because she looked at me and said "calm down, he doesn't have a chance." She opened the paper and laughed, "what's it say?" I asked. She showed me the paper and it says "Call me when your done with your boyfriend. (Phone number) -Kyle" When I was finished reading it she ripped the note up and put it aside. Kyle came back with our drinks, then we ordered our food, ate it and left.

"Thank you so much for the movies and dinner Jack. I have a great time with you today!" Y/n said.

"I had a great time too, and your welcome!" I told her and grabbed her hand while walking her back to the apartment she lived in.

(YOUR point of view)

After Jack said he had a great time, he grabbed my hand and held it the hole way back to my apartment.  I then got a notification on my phone and opened it to see that Jack Texted me. Why would he text me when he's right next to me. The text said I have something to ask you. I Texted him back ok, and looked at him.

"Y/ n, I wanted to know if you wanted to go out with me?" Jack said kinda nervous.

"Yeah, I'd love to!" You said. You both smiled and kept holding hands till you got to your doorstep. You thanked Jack again but this time before you could get everything out, Jack had pulled you in for a small kiss, you were a little shocked but kissed back. When he pulled back for air, you both smiled, hugged, then said goodbye. You watched him walk down the street then went inside and told Keeghan everything that happened.

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