The Announcement (Chapter 11)

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( Your POV)

I got out of the shower and dried my hair, brushed it and straightened it. I walked out of the bathroom and went into my recording space. Jack and I had our separate recording rooms so none of our stuff would get mixed up. I grabbed my camera and set it up in my recording room where Jack and I would be in the shot. I walk downstairs and look in the kitchen and see Jack made us some coffee and his back is turned from me. I continue to walk down the steps quietly. I sneak up behind him and grab his waist and hug him. He jumped a little and said

"jesus beautiful." with a chuckle in his voice. I let go of him so he could turn around.

"Sorry, I had to." I said Giggling.

"I made us some coffee." He says and goes to get our cups filled with steaming hot coffee.

"Sweet, thanks." I say with a smile and blow on the coffee so I can take a sip.

"Your welcome." He says putting is half drank cup down and walks to me. I put my cup down and leans down fast and grabs under my legs and my back and picks me up bridal style. I start laughing and say in between laughing,

" W... What are you doing?" Jack still carrying me walks to the bottom o the stairs and says

"Wanna go make that video now?" with a smile spreading across his cute face.

"Sure." I then wrap my arms around his neck lightly and lay my head on his arm and side of his stomach. Jack starts walking up the stairs being careful not to drop me. We get to the top of the stairs and he takes me into his recording room. He sets me down in his chair and grabs a chair from the side and sits. He gets everything ready and starts the recording.

" 3 2 1 *claps*" " TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE AND WELCOME TO A VLOG. I normally don't do vlog but today I have something to announce." He then looks at me and grabs my hand to hold.

"Most of you might know y/n from her channel y/c/n. (your channel name y/c/n) And its about time I should tell you guys that... Y/n and I have been together for 6 months."

" And some of you in the comments have been saying I look a lot happier in some of my videos and she's the reason why. I hope you guys except her in the community because she means a lot to me."

When Jack said that my cheeks lit up like a christmas tree. I could tell I was blushing and I looked down to try to hide it. Jack noticed and chuckled a little and a bigger smile crept across my face. I started to talk about the community and some other things. Jack then let go of my hand to do his outro and in the video you could probably see Jack and I holding hands but it doesn't matter to me.


I started giggling and asked Jack " Hey, can i use this video and put it on my channel but I will edit it my way so it won't be the same? And can I do my outro so I can edit yours out and put mine?"

"Yeah that would be way easier anyways, here let me upload the video file to my computer then you can do it to yours."


(Time skip)

Jack and I uploaded the video at the same time. I had 2 tabs open so I could look at the comment section on both our channels. So far they were all positive, I then heard a knock at my door and Jack walked in.

He seen I was in his comment section and he chuckled. "So how are the comments?"

I got up and hugged him and said "They are all good!" I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him.

"Good, are you stay the night here or are going back to your place?"

"I'll stay here if it's not a problem, i'll text Keeghan and say i'm here."

"Ok. I'll go start dinner then, were having pasta. Your favorite!"

"Yay pasta. I'll be down in a minute Jackaboy."

"Okay" He leans down and kisses my forehead.

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