Something is Fishy...

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~Brinna's P.O.V~

I am walking pretty fast towards the library, accidentally bumping some students on my way. 10 more minutes and the end. Ms. Lu, my class adviser, will give me a long lecture in class about being late and not doing my homework. 

I stopped before the library. The sign nearby the closed door showed:LIBRARY.

Grabbing the handle, I turned it and pushed the door opened, only to see an empty room.

No shelves.

No books.

No librarian. 

No tables or chairs.

Just an empty room.

I stood here for a moment, my mouth hung open. How could this be? Oh Lord Jesus Christ! Please make everything okay! Am I just hallucinating? Or is this real? 

To confirm that I am not hallucinating, I whirled around, then looked at the sign hanging beside the door: LIBRARY then below is another sign: KEEP QUITE! The signatures from the principal and the other officers in school were also signed on a parchment below the two signs.

The signatures from the principal together with the library staff, plus the signs, show proof that this room that is empty is actually the library, then why is it empty? No sign was written at all that the library was close. 

Before I could think of anything else, the school bell rang. Of course, I left and started to run towards the direction to my classroom. Suddenly, it hit me. Why does it seem so quite? Just this early morning before I opened the door of the library, the whole school was like a workstation filled with bees buzzing around. 

I halted. Something is wrong. I had been feeling funny ever since I opened the library door. 

Wait. The library. Something is not right about it.

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