Hurrican Oakley

462 14 36

Unknown POV
After the "We Need A Leash" fiasco of 2016 the plane ride went smooth. Ella fell asleep and stayed asleep for the majority of the flight and Dan and Phil continued to discuss the leash idea.
"Think about it Dan, she's walking now. She could walk off a cliff!" Phil says.

"Ah yes, because of all the humongous cliffs that we'll be taking her to," Dan says sarcastically.

"You don't know. We could leave the house for once!"

"To what? Get more cereal?"

"How dare you bring that up in front of my child!"

"Whatever, look, I'm not putting a leash on Ella. It's ridiculous and I will not have it."

"Fine, but you have to hold her more."

"I already hold her more than you!"

"Oh, so now we're competing?"

"Rio 2016, bitch."

After this the plane ride went smoothly and they finally landed in LA. Dan picks Ella up and throws her car seat at Phil to carry.

"I'm holding the baby," he smiles and walks out of the plane. Phil quickly follows and they make it to the baggage claim just in time to grab their things and go outside. They find their friend, Tyler Oakley, waiting for them with his car.

"Oh, my god! Look at that small human!" He smiles as he walks towards Dan. He takes Ella from Dan to allow Dan to put the luggage in the car.

"Hi Ella. I'm your Uncle Tyler. I'm the fun one that you run away to when your dads are being mean." He smiles.

"Oh, my god," Dan says under his breath as he puts the last of the luggage in.

"Dads?" Phil asks as he looks up from Ella's car seat.

"Well, Phan is clearly happening before our eyes because of this child." Tyler laughs.

"Get in the car Tyler. And give me my baby back!" Dan jokes as he puts Ella in her car seat.

"Ok, daddy Dan." Tyler laughs as he waits for Dan and Phil to get in the car and then drives off towards their hotel.

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