Meet Ella

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Sorry I suck at updating. I hope to update more this summer! I swear! Above or to the side or whatever is a picture of Ella!

Today's the day all of his fans were going to meet her. Was Phil worried? Yes, yes he was. Quite frankly, in Dans words, he is going to "Piss himself dry". Again, Dans words. Phil decided to do a day in the life video since it would be more casual than a scheduled video.

Phil held the camera out in front of him and began to introduce Ella.

"So, as you may know, I've had a rather large change in my life rec-"

"Phil!" Dan hollered from the nursery.

"What?" Phil asked, running into the room with the camera still recording.

"What are we going to put Ella in?"

"Oh, my god Dan. What do you think?"

"I don't know. Clothing?" After discussing that they had to. Have something more specific than just clothing the two men-children decided on a long sleeve red dress, white tights, and black slip on shoes.

"She isn't going to be cold, is she?" Phil asked.

"Here's a jumper."

"Dan, that's pink. She'll look like valentines day." A voice sighed from the doorway.

The men-children turned and saw Louise putting Darcy on the ground.

"And aren't you going to introduce Ella to your audience?" Louise pointed out.

"How did you get into our flat?" Dan asked.

"You aren't very good at hiding keys guys."

"That's concerning. So anyway," Phil said turning back to the camera, "This is the big change in my life. This is Ella and she is my goddaughter from America. I was really good friends with her parents when she was born and her parents passed away about a month ago, so now she lives with us." He explained gesturing to himself and Dan.

"Put this on her Phil." Louise said passing him a black jumper almost like she didn't hear the sad story of Ella. It's not that she didn't hear it, she just chose not to because it was so sad. A few minutes later they all walked into the kitchen and put Ella in her booster seat.

"Okay, so now we're going to make little El here breakfast. Do you want cereal El?" Dan asked pulling out the Cheerios and putting them on Ella's tray in front of her.

Ella's eyes got big as she picked up the cereal piece by piece and contently put them in her mouth.

"So, as you can see Ella is a good little girl. Isn't that right El?" Phil smiled pointing the camera at her. Ella smiled and grabbed at the camera. Phil shut the camera off and waited until Ella and Darcy were finished with their breakfast to start their journey out in London.




"Okay guys who is ready for a journey on the tube?" Phil asks. He got no response since Ella fell asleep in Dan's arms and Darcy was looking around and not noticing Dan.

"Alright, good talk team." Phil sighs as he walked onto the tube and sat down with Dan and Louise following closely behind.

"Darcy, do you like the tube?" Phil asks. She looked at him and nodded excitedly.

"Probably because she thinks we're shopping. You like shopping right Darcy?" Louise asks. Darcy, again, nodded ecstatically.

"What about you El?"

"Shopping!" Dan says in a high pitch voiced as he raises both of Ella's arms in the air and waved them around.

"I don't know how to respond to that..." Phil said to the camera.

"You say something sassy!" Louise laughs.

"Sassy? You got to be joking!"

"Alas, Phil, we aren't." Dan smiles.

"What's something sassy? Does this count?" Phil asks snapping his fingers.

"Oh my god Phil..." Louise sighs shaking her head.

Another chapter. It's been to long and I'll try to update sooner.

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