Oh Help Me...

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Yes, I'm aware that Phil is now 30.
Unknown POV

After a six hour flight, Dan and Phil finally land in New York.

"I've never been to New York." Dan said, looking around.

"We don't have time to sight see, Dan." Phil says as they walk out the extremely airport.

"When we get the kid we can!" Dan counters, "I wonder if they'll think we're dating..."

"Not now Dan." Phil says as we got into the cab. He gives the driver the address and the car starts moving.

"So, what were they like?" Dan asks.

"Jemma and Alexander? The were great, crazy, funny. They used to live in England until about three years when they moved to America. Then they had Ella about a year ago, but I've only met her once," He pauses, "Dan!"

"Oh, my god what?!" He jumps.

"I can't take care of a kid! I can't even take care of myself!"

"You don't know that. Besides you have us." Dan smiles.

"No offense, but why are you here?"

"We were on a plane for six hours and now you're just asking me this?"

"Sorry I've had some thing's on my mind."

"We're here," The cab driver says "That'll be $37.89." Dan handed him two twenty dollar bills and you could tell be was hoping it was enough.

"Do you want your change?"

"No! I mean no, it's fine." Dan panics and gets out of the cab. Phil sighs and grabs his suitcase from the back of the car and go into the building.

"How can I help you?" A lady asks as she types on her computer.

"I'm Phil Lester. You called me yesterday."

"Have a seat and someone will be with you shortly."

Apparently shortly is an hour and 23 minutes in America.

"Detective Adams can see you now, Mr. Lester." He nods and nudges Dan, who has fallen asleep.

"Let's go Dan."

"I'm coming, calm your balls." They walk into a bright, white office where an older lady is sitting and working on a computer. Okay, she wasn't old, maybe 30, but that's old to me!

"You must be Phil Lester and..." She said looking at Dan.

"I'm Dan Howell. Phil's roommate."

"Oh okay, so you'll both be living with Estella?"

"Yea, I guess."

"Okay, do you want to meet Estella?"

"That would be great, but shouldn't we fill out paperwork and get her a passport and all the other stuff so we can go back to London soon?"

"You'll have to talk to Janet in immigration about that."

"Ok, but when do you think we can take Ella back home?"

"Well, once you sign some papers you can take her to wherever you're staying in New York and in a few weeks you can take her back to London."

"Ok, so what's a good hotel here?"

"There's one on 5th and 10th a few blocks from here." She got up and walked out of the room.

"So, this seems easy." Dan sighed.

"Too easy..."

The door suddenly opened and Mrs. Adams came back holding a little girl who is one and looks just like her dad. She has light brown hair, big dark eyes, and is extremely small.

"This is Estella." Mrs. Adams smiled. Ella looks at Phil and then at Dan and then tries to go to sleep.

"I don't think she remembers you, Phil." Dan states.

"What would makes you think such a thing, Dan?" He snaps back sarcastically.

"Here, hold her while I get your paper work." She says as she hands me the little girl and rushes out again.

"Dan, how do you hold a child?"

"Hey, man, I'm my have a brother, but do you think my parents would let me hold something that fragile?"

"Well, does it look like I'm holding her right?"

"Well, she isn't falling and she's still in one piece, so I'm assuming so."

"So here are the papers and I talked to Janet in immigration and I got papers for you to sign to get Estella started on becoming a British citizen."

"That's great!" Phil smiles as he starts reading the papers. Once they are all signed they got up and left. Once Dan and Phil walk out of the building they get into a cab.

"Do you think we should go by her old house and get her clothes and toys and stuff?" Dan asks.

"Oh yea, probably." Phil tells the driver the address of the Armstrong's house. We soon left the city and were in the suburbs soon. There are big houses lining the streets and trees everywhere.

"Wow, what did your friends do for a living?"

"They didn't make YouTube videos, that's for sure..." Phil mumbles. He hears a little mumbling sound and look down to see that Ella has fallen asleep and is making gurgling noises. He hopes this means she's not chocking or something. That would be really bad.

"And here we are. That will be $50.83." The cabbie smiles as Phil hands him the money and get out of the cab. Dan grabs they're bags and Phil holds onto Ella as he gets the key from under the mat and goes inside.

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