Chapter four

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The boy with the love for spicy food  and the heart for children is looking at me different. Probably because he feels bad for me, probably because he's scared I'll almost die again. What a brilliant way to introduce myself to him. By dying. Way to go.

I still can't stop thinking that the boy with the good grades and the sporty preference was in my room. In my room. How did he know where it was? How did he know where to find my inhaler? Did he see my diary?

These thoughts are interrupted by a bully slamming the books out of my hands. They sneer at me.

"Oh, save me save me!"

They are mocking me. Acting like a damsel in distress. It strikes me what they are saying and I blush. Bad move. A fist to my cheek.


Another blow to the cheek. The same one. They are pounding me. It's so painful. I want to cry out for the boy with the best friend called Scott and the granny called Irene, but it'll only enforce their point. I stand silent as theh beat me. Then i hear the voice that sounds like a violin.


The bullies drop me to the ground next to my locker. I feel the world spinning. Then I hear punches being thrown. And I stand up straight. Something within me egnites and I yell, before flinging myself towards the bullies. They buckle and fall. Not because of my brute strength. No.

Because of the sedation liquid in the needle I just stabbed into each of them.

"What just happened?"

The boy with the love for the outdoors and the taste for chocolate calls from the ground. I run to him. Helping him up. I smirk a little.

"Just a little bit of a sedation"

He stares at me in disbelief. And we laugh. Our laughs ring down the hallway.

"I fell in love with a genius"

The words hang in the air before I see the boy with the girl followers and the love for girls falter and stop with his mouth hanging open.

"You.. Fell in love with me?"

My words come out as a small squeak. His cheeks turn crimson and he hangs his head in shame.


I stare at him, and then he's gone. He's running away from me. Away down the corridor. I try to call after him but I can't. I'm left with tears streaming down my cheeks.

He just left me. Is this what love feels like?

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