Chapter nine

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The next morning, my head was throbbing, along with the rest of my body. I slowly tried to push myself up and felt an awful pain in my chest, I cried out. Then I heard a gasp, and a chair moving, scraping against the floor. It was all blurry, but I could make out a figure.

"You're awake. Oh my god, you're awake"

I recognised the voice, and felt my cheeks flush. It was John.

"Hello, John"

My voice was crackly, like a radio on the wrong frequency. He looked so tired and concerned, even through the haze of my vision I could see his features. The bags under his eyes and the tremble of his lip. He'd been sitting there for...

"You stayed with me for months?"

The question hung in the air and he slowly nodded. He looked surprised.

"How did you know?'

I simply smirked. This wasn't like me, the nerdy kid.. But I enjoyed it. He seemed to let out a little laugh.

"I deduce things, that's what I do"

He nodded slowly, before his mouth hung open in shock.

"This is the most we have ever spoken, I don't even know your name"

It was like a switch had been flicked in my brain. I leaned up as far as I could and I kissed him. He opened his eyes in shock. I pulled away.

"Sorry.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

Then he attacked my lips. It felt like coming home. It felt like love. He tasted like apples and coffee, and mints. He was perfect. Our lips fitted together like a jigsaw puzzle, the perfect pieces. My whole brain was jumbled like when I had an asthma attack, but it was different. It was a happy jumbled.

We pulled away, out of breath, He laughed and I did too, before my vision completely came back. His sparkling blue eyes were duller than usual, his hair hung greasily across his forehead and he hadn't shaved in weeks, I'd made him such a mess.

"You look terrible"

He seemed to go bright red and mutter apologies before I realised what is said.

"No. I didn't mean it like that, I meant that you look awful because of me and I feel terrible"

He looked startled and then his lip began to tremble. He opened his mouth to say something but a strangled sob escaped instead. He rose to shut the door and then pulled his chair over to my bed and lost it. He sobbed into my sheets, muttering how glad he was that I was alive, how stupid he was to leave me.. I didn't understand.

"What do you mean?"

He looked up at me, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I ran away, I ran away from you and the bullies tried to kill you, if I'd been there things would have been different! Things could have been DIFFERENT!"

He started crying again. I held his hand, and a pang of guilt hit me. If it was months, then.. Then I had to leave. I hated the campus and wanted to do ballet. How was I going to be able to tell him, after all this, I had to leave him?


He looked up at me, and my face crumpled.

"I... I can't see you again..."

He looked completely baffled.

"It's been months... I'm going to a ballet school..."

The words sunk in and I could see his heart drop to his feet.

"Will I ever see you again?"

I solemnly shook my head.

"Unless you move, then no.."

He opened his mouth and shut it again, before he looked up at my face. He seemed to be taking in all my features at once, trying not to forget them.

"You made me speak again"

He blurted it out as if it was in the spur of the moment, before his features hardened and he sat frozen to the spot. His skin had taken on a pale white shade.

"What are you saying?"

He stayed frozen before suddenly snapping out of it and looking down at me.

"My.. My girlfriend.. She was stabbed.. I don't know by who.. I was mute for years until I saw you... My speech just suddenly came back"

The words hit me like a tonne of bricks, causing almost all the air to exit my lungs. I gasped and grabbed for something, I grabbed his hand.

"Woah are you okay?!"

His concerned voice cut through the chaos in my brain, trying to make some sort of order. No, it couldn't have been her.. It couldn't have been her.. But.. But that's why John looked so familiar.. That's why...


The world around me began crashing down, my mind unable to process anything. Why did it have to be her. Why...


His words hung in the air as i took a deep breath. I didn't realise, I didn't know it was her. John's girlfriend. If I'd known.. I wouldn't have done it... But.. I had to.. Or I would have...

"I killed her.. I killed Ashley"


My whole world came crashing down. The memories came back. The memories of the tall figure, with the knife. He stabbed her once, and ran. He sprinted away. Coward. I thought he was such a coward. I went to call an ambulance but realised he had taken my phone. I screamed for help, holding her in my arms as she slipped away. Then after that, I genuinely couldn't remember anything else. I came to in my own home, my mother sitting next to my bed. She said she'd died, but I couldn't believe that.. I wouldn't believe it. I screamed until the words refused to leave my lips. The start of me being mute.

The boy who saved me, also caused me to drown.

I was choking for air, walking away from him, the monster who killed her.


I yelled, loud enough for anyone to hear. His face became paler and paler by the second. He could die. I wouldn't care. Good FUCKING RIDDANCE.

"Please, John, you don't understa-"

I didn't let him finish


There were obvious tears on his ugly pale disgusting face. He was hideous.


I didn't want to hear it. I exited the room and got the first bus home.

I hope he dies.

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