Chapter fourteen

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Him. He was there. The boy, the boy that saved me and made me drown. He was sitting with my sister. He was looking at me as if he'd seen a ghost. Then he stood, and he tackled me. We landed on the ground, he was clinging onto me.


I shot an annoyed look at my sister. She had the biggest grin on her face.

"I'm okay, Sherlock look at me I'm okay"

Sherlock looked up at me slowly, taking in every detail of my face. He looked so frightened, but he was still the boy at the campus. It had been a full year. He'd grown a lot, he had grown taller. He was very tall now. I was short compared to him.

"Well, after the reunion, I have tickets"

Harry looked at us with an amused expression before pulling out two tickets. We both looked at her in confusion. Tickets?


We said it in unison. She laughed. We stood up slowly and walked towards her. Sherlock grasped my hand in his.

"Okay. So, you guys need to get away from here. Away from this country. This state. You guys are going to go live in London. You are going to study ballet and doctor cources"

As soon as she finished telling us I couldn't believe it. How could she know?

"How did you manage this?"

She smiled and thrust the tickets towards me. Two tickets to London.

"I've paid for everything. Now go, your plane is in half an hour, and here John, the letters from Sherlock"

She handed me letters. I looked at them longingly before I put them in my coat pocket and packed everything I needed into a bag. Sherlock took my hand the whole time. It was difficult to pack.

I said goodbye to my sister, she told me good luck. And off we went.

As we got onto the plane, sherlock seemed to tense up.

"Never been on a plane?"

He shook his head. I took his hand.

This was going to be an adventure.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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