It's That Time

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It's that time...

"Tori, were gonna stop by the house to change. It's getting cold," I notify my little sister who was listening to my iPhone currently. She looks up nods, and goes back to my iPhone, not acknowledging anything I said. We park at my house and hop off.

"Here take the keys and go change," I say to Tori. She nods and runs, handing me my iPhone before taking off. I unlock my phone sending a quick message to John that I'm just gonna change and I'll be on my way.

As soon as I step in the house I hear the horrible singing of my cousin and sister in unison, while the radio is in full volume.

"You don't know-oh-oh

That's what makes you beautiful"

Finishes Gabby's hunk of curls. She would kill me if she heard what I just said. The radio chatter goes on and he lowers it. Tori was chewing on a brownie when she saw me.

I raise an eyebrow. "Didn't I tell you to go change?" I smile. She frowns. "I wanted a brownie. You want one?" I chuckle and nod. She jumps off of the seat she was currently sitting on and hands me one from the steamy, yet fresh bash. "Thank you," I smile and she runs up to her room. I look at Bruce and cock an eyebrow. He notices and shifts uncomfortably.

"What?" He snaps. I shrug and smile. "Nothing. Nothing at all," I shake my head. I walk away and head upstairs. I enter my room and see the boxes that had haunted me yesterday since they arrived, and are now a total of five boxes with one card on top.

Should I...

Maybe later.

I grab a black off the shoulder long sleeve shirt sleeve shirt, jeans, a gray beanie, and run to the bathroom. Start changing, and a red stain catches my eye. Right there, bottom of my jeans, not clearly visible, is a notice of the 'lazy days'.

I change quickly putting on what is necessary, switch converse for vans, and leave the house, towards Starbucks. I let my hair loose from the elastic, and put on the beanie.

"Can we go to Claire's if we go the mall?" She sweetly asks. I nod. I turn up the heater as it starts to get colder.

We get to Starbucks and find a parking space in front of the entrance. Jonathan jogs out and so does Tori. "Johnny!" She yells. "Tore!"

They start bickering and then they start calling me names. I get annoyed and snap.


He snorts. "Who burst your bubble?"

I glare at him and walk away. "This should be fun."


Filler chapter. Sorry about the delay. its just been rough. I want u guys to check out this story by ileendp it's called "my emo love story" I loved it



Bye loves

P.S. if u love the despicable Mahomies I'll do them. comment if u do

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