Regret, Worry, AMA's over Happy Meals

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"Imma get straight to the point and say it... what are we, Lesley? Really. And if we're something or probably nothing... then what is he?"

I stare Austin, not knowing what to say. Honestly, I don't think I like Austin. Sure, I get butterflies when he says something sweet, and I love his lips, but maybe it's just my hormones.

But do I want us to be something? I don't know. It's not like he's different, he's just like everyone else. He almost got me naked for crying out loud! I don't like it, that's it. I've made of my mind. Austin's not for me. Maybe Burkley is the one for me, not Austin. But I can't tell Austin that, I'll hurt his feelings. Ugh! Why does it have to be do complicated? Every decision I makes someone sad. I let Matt give me a hickey, Austin got pissed. I let Matt come in my house, Austin got pissed. I let Matt say stuff and Karyn got pissed. Well, you know what they say... every decision has a consequence. Or is it said differently. I don't know. I hate these sayings they confuse me...

"Lesley!" Snaps Austin. I jump out of my thoughts and look at him. "What?"

He rolls his eyes, "I've been calling you for minutes and you never answered. So answer."

"Do you regret what we did last night? Is that why your asking me?" His eyes widen. "What? No! I'm just asking cause I'm confused. You kiss me but then you go off with someone else as if nothing happened."

"I was helping him. And we're not even dating yet, so what makes you think you have a sudden control of my life?"

"Because I like you. Now answer my question," he growls.

My face pales as I go through my thoughts again. I look away and look at the interesting white mark on my boots. "I don't know Austin," I say. My voice wants to crack. Shit, why do I always cry. "I honestly don't know. I'm confused with everything. I don't like you," I admit. His face falls, as my heart aches from the lie. I'm not lying. I'm serious. My eyes pool with tears as I look down again. "But at the same time," I pause, looking up at him. "I can't stay away from you."

"Cause you do like me," he reasons. I shake my head. "No I don't. I would've known by now. It's just not right with you. I mean, you're one of my best friends, I don't wanna change that. Please don't make this hard for me. My mind is just all over the place. It still hasn't registered all the stuff that happened in the past few days. Stop pushing me to make decisions that I'm not sure of. Please. Take it easy on me. Because everything that happens between us, hurts me mentally and physically. Cause you always find a way to screw up." I snap at the last part.

His eyes widen, as my words have taken him aback. "You're blaming me for everything," he whispers, but his anger seeps through it. "Yes. You're pushing me, asking me questions when I haven't even registered what has happened. It's been three days... three fucking days, and my mind can't take a rest! Please just don't push me and give me time to digest what has happened in the past seventy-two hours." My voice cracks and I let out a sob. Looking away, I wipe my tears. "I gotta go to class," I mumble. I take two steps before he grabs my arm, and pins me against him, as he hugs me. I hug him back quickly, and let out a quiet sob. "Take your time. I'm sorry."

I hug him back, not sure what to do. "You're right. I'm expecting you to make decisions quickly when you haven't even thought about anything. I'm so sorry. You've got a week. I wanna still be friends with you by thanksgiving." He jokes. I chuckle and pull away. "Timing me won't help," I joke back. He laughs. "I know, Les! God, can't take a joke."

I laugh as I keep on walking the same way as before. My phone rings as the unknown ringtone blasts.

'Lemme get it, ain't no playing with it
Lemme get it, Lemme get it

Fire, make it shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot
You're so automatic
Can't none of them see you
Five stars going off on 'em baby
I love how you flex
Your style is so crazy, you're a fire on the set
You're a problem, girl, gotta get you
Ain't no waitin' with it
The one you came here with
Yell that boy forget it
Too faded's what to tell him
'Cause I got him next
You don't need no explanation
Let him see and figure it out-'

"Hello?" I answer, not bothering with the ID. I look at Austin worried, as his face contorts in amusement at the choice of song. Can you blame me, it's catchy. "Hello, ma'am. Sorry to disturb you but, I'm calling from Methodist's Children hospital for your sister Victoria Mariela Foster? Are you Lesley Jennifer?" She asks. My heart drops when they mention her name.

"Yeah. Is she okay?" I ask. Oh, no this can't be good. Oh my god. I need to get out of here. "Yes, ma'am. She was just brought in from her elementary school, she has a broken left arm, and a fractured ankle. Some scratches but those will heel. We tried reaching her aunt, according to this card in her backpack, but no one picked up." I gasp as tears form in my eyes. "My aunts working, but I'm on my way," I tell the lady as I make my way to the office for a pass. "Okay, ma'am." I mutter a bye and hang up putting the phone in my pocket.

"Where are you going?" Asks Austin. A tear slips my eyes as worry takes over with panic mode. "Tori was in school and broke an arm, and fractured her ankle. She's at the hospital. They called my Bobi, but she didn't answer. I'm surprised they didn't call Bryce. I'm gonna get a pass, and see of they let me go. I'll call Bryce later on to tell him to pick up my work, and I'll tell Gabby to take my stuff. But meanwhile, I need a ride," I pause turning to look at Austin with pleading eyes. His worried face softens as a tear slips out. "Sure, I'll drive you. Where is it exactly?" He asks pulling out his phone.

"It's the children's hospital. What are you doing?" I continue walking as I see Austin dial someone on his iPhone, placing it over his ear. "Calling my mom letting her know about Tori, so if she sees her, she can tell her, you know since they work together. I'll go start the car," he verifies me, running off towards the exit. I walk in the office quickly, towards the secretary.

"Hey, Ms. Perry? Can I have a pass out?" I ask, frantically but politely. She looks up noticing the look on y face," What's wrong?" A tear slips my eye again, as I imagine the worst possible scenarios. "My sister's in the hospital. They called me as I was on my way to the bathroom. My aunt didn't answer so they called me." She nods and says 'hold on'. She types something in the computer, opening a drawer, and grabbing a pass to give to the security outside of the school to let me out. "Do you have anyone to take you?" I nod my head, "Austin." She nods, ripping off the paper from the little pick and writing another one, I'm guessing for Austin. "Herebya go, I hope your sister's okay." I nod, mumble a "Thank you," and rush out bumping into a furious Alex. "Sorry, AC." I mumble quickly. "Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"I'll text you later," I tell him not answering his question. He nods and proceeds.

I run out finding Austin pulling up into the front of the school. I opens the door hopping in, and closing the door behind me. I buckle my seat belt as he drives out. I hand him our slips, when we approach the gate with the security guard placed in the little booth. As soon as we're out of there, tears fall out like a waterfall. I feel a hand envelope mine, giving it a light squeeze. I look at Austin, "everything will be just fine. Don't worry." I nod and hope he's right. "I hope she is."

"She will be."

"How can you be sure? Last time she broke her arm, she was in a car accident. I know that didnt happen to her, but I can't help but feel scared something might happen to her. I want her to be fine. She's the last thing I have close to my parents. I can't lose her, too." I sob out. He pulls into a McDonald's, making me confused.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

He holds up one finger over his lips and tells me to shush. "Welcome to McDonald's, how may I help you?" Asks the woman from the receiver.

"Uh... yeah, can I have three happy meals?"

"What kind? Cheeseburger or chicken nuggets?" She asks.

"Does Tori like cheese burger or chicken nuggets? And what do you like?" He turns to ask me. I smile and answer, "chicken nuggets. I'll get whatever you get." He smiles, pinching my cheeks, and turning around to answer the lady. "One chicken nuggets, the other cheeseburgers."

"And the drinks?"

"One juice and two sodas," he answers, quickly. "Boy or girl?"

"One boy, two girls."

"Would you like to add anything else to your order?" Asks the woman.

"Large 20-piece McNugget, with a coke, and..." I tune out Austin I start to think. He actually took the time to buy Tori and me a happy meal. How sweet. No one would ever do that for me. How can he be so sweet and I was bitch to him. Maybe he actually cares, maybe he doesn't wanna get into my pants. But how can I be sure. And plus, he's a celebrity, he probably won't have time for me. His tour starts soon, he's been nominated for many awards, and me, I'm just a small town star athlete. He deserves someone who can handle his busy schedule.

"So," says Austin, interrupting my inner battle. "I'm going to a basketball game, Miami Heat vs Spurs... everyone's going for the spurs, and I heard from someone that you like Heat. Wanna come with? I already bought tickets and the whole crew is going. We can bring Tori?" He suggest. I look away from the raindrops falling on the window, and turn to look at him. I smile and say, "That'd be awesome."

He smiles and says, "How about the AMA's? I got nominated and everyone's got dates, except me?" My eyes widen. Is he seriously asking me to the AMA's?

'Forget about the AMA's, he asked you as a date!' Squeals my conscience. I blush. "I don't know. The AMA's is a big deal. I don't even have a dress, or a outfit for that matter." He chuckles. "Sweetheart, I'm Austin Mahone. Did you forget what I can do?" He smiles, slightly lifting an eyebrow.

"Ah," I groan. "PRJ is back. I was wondering where that ego went." He chuckles as a woman hands him what he ordered, paying her, and driving towards the hospital. He's doing a good job on distracting me. "So, will you?"

He looks at me with hopeful eyes. "I'll think about it." His does a little happy dance at the last light as we turn and the hospital comes into view. "How about my music video for Banga Banga? You seemed to like the song," he reasons. I look over at him as he smirks with his eyes on the road. "Yeah, sure."

"Great, it's on Friday. There's no school. So we're good." I nod and look out the window. The building stands tall, haunting me. "Looks like we're here."

I nod, gulping down the lump in my throat. "Here goes nothing."

Hell yes! I guess Lesley's having second thoughts. What do you think? And do you think Tori's okay? Muahahahahahaha! okay keep on reading because Tori may be seven, but she gonna slack some sense into Lesley.

Anyways, question! and please answer in the comments! I want at least ten comments to post the next chapter, so if you guys wanna get to the big chapter where everything happens *HINT* you guys better out me comments!

1.) So... what are your favorite moments in this book?

2.) if you wanna be mentioned please in this book as a character, I'd gladly do it! I'm gonna be bringing in new characters! cause that's how flipping awesome I am.

3.) And last question but not least, do you like Banga Banga? I'm in love!

Wait one more!

4.) what city state or

Country are you from?

Well guys, adios... au revoìr... and goodbye in laugh ages I don't know

Bye Loves!


Oh! arrigato...

No wait that means 'thank you'

Meh, Ay Los veo...

I'm done now!

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