REALITY CHECK : Death of Life

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I wonder what's beyond life...
If there really is something behind death or if there is another life other than what we live in right now.
Is there really a heaven or a hell;
An Elysium or an Asphodel?

I'm always thinking - what if there's nothing after death? That when your lungs stopped breathing and your heart stopped beating, that's it - no second chances, no next chapters, no new beginnings - and that when you die, then period, the end, bye bye.

It's not that I'm faithless or afraid of death. What I am trying to say is that you have to enjoy what you have right now. Life is so wonderful.Life's so wonderful that people are hoping that there would be another life, another world. And a soul to represent one and enjoy a new life.

You see, life is so great that everyone wants a spare. But then what if there is none? No, don't be so fund and expectant about the next life, don't be so sure that you are going off your corpse when time comes. Instead, make your life worth remembering. No, of course it's not you who'll remember it soon enough 'coz as I said, what if there's no next life. On the other hand, your life, your mere existence would be remembered by people whose lives haven't yet ended.

There are gazillion ways to make a great life, you know. One is to appreciate what you have. It is not the easiest, I may say, but it's worth the courage.Life is unfair after all but, then again, we all have choices and a really amazing weapon to match it... Our mind.

Say, If you have a garbage-like life, then be resourceful and witty enough to make something out of those trashes. As they say, there's always a gold in a mountain of garbage. Take it this way, the larger the 'mountain of garbage' the better chances to find bars of gold.

If you have an all messed-up life, oh please don't just stare at it, find a way to fix it. If it can't all be fixed, my friend, there's this thing called a 'CREATIVE mess'.

If your life is boring, oh come on, jump and dance and sing according to the rhythm of your heart. Music is never boring when it came from your own heart, right?

If you have this perfect life, well good for you. Keep it up; but please don't keep it exactly the way it is because, right then, what's new with that? Where's the thrill in perfection? Where's the fun in doing the same thing everyday just to keep your life 'prefect'? Remember, something doesn't need to perfect as so it could be considered worth it. Make something different. Don't make your life another cliche.

Challenges, problems, choices, mistakes - you can surpass all of these; you just have to do your best and believe that you can. Everything is temporary - including thunder storms, including pain. Just fight and keep moving.

If you get tired, rest, then take a step again - slowly if that would make you feel better. Life is not a race anyway, it is a journey. Well, who did ever enjoy a great vista in a fast-moving vehicle?

If you fell in a muddy hole, then stand up and try to get out of it. You wouldn't want to be swimming in a mud and eventually drown in it, would you? What, you want your life to be more tragic than death itself?

You see, you write your own book. Make it worth reading. And yeah, an amazing book always has adventures, and your can never write an adventure without struggles.

Life. I may not define it exactly the way anybody sees it for we have different eye lenses. Life wears a ton of masks; and no man sees the same mask. Perchance all of us experience only one same life, but like a theater, not a single chair is oriented at the same angle and is exactly on the same spot. In all the definitions of life by all the minds in all the universes, only one thing is certain.

It ends...

So now, again, I say. Make it worth remembering. For when time comes that your heart finally stopped beating and your soul is freed from your mortal body, then that's the only moment you have proven to yourself that there really is life after death.

Well, if you'd be lucky to see and hear clearly as a soul, how bad could it be to see and hear people reminiscing about the memories they had with you? How bad could it be to know that people still care and love you though you're gone?

My friend, how bad could it be to be remembered?



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