Chapter 1

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Olivia POV
I was sitting at my desk across from Elliot filling out paperwork. I felt his eyes on me and looked up smiling at him, then looking back down at my desk so he wouldn't see me blushing.

"Liv, do you wanna go out for drinks?" Elliot asks me after a minute or two.

I look up again and smile sayings, "Sure El give me two minutes to finish these up and we can head out!" He nods and gets up to use the restroom, by the time he comes back I'm done and we head out the door together.

Once we get to O'Malley's, the old cop bar by the precinct, we order two beers and sit down at a booth towards the back. It's silent between the two of us but it's a nice comfortable silence until I ask, "So how're the kids?"

"They're good, I went and saw them last weekend. It's still kinda weird not seeing them everyday, but I'm getting used to it I guess." Elliot says with a wistful smile on his face thinking about his kids.

I feel bad for him having to leave his kids like that and not being able to see them all the time, it's so hard for him. So I just smile at him and grab his hand that's resting on the table and give it a light squeeze.

We talk and drink for awhile more until he decides that since it's Friday he's going to go see his kids. I can't help but be a little disappointed since I was enjoying this time together, just the two of us talking and hanging out.

I stand up to leave and say goodbye until I look at Elliot he's giving me a very confused look. "What's wrong?" I ask sitting back down across from him.

"Well I thought you were going with me." Elliot says and I'm taken aback for a minute. I haven't been to Elliot's house in quite awhile and Kathy's definitely not my biggest fan. "We're just going to see the kids Liv, they love you. Kathy will be fine with you there for a half an hour, okay?"

I loved that about us, he always knew what I was thinking and vise versa. That's one reason we work so well together, and why we're so close with each other. I give in and we head to his old house to see his kids. I'm still feeling pretty nervous, not wanting to have a confrontation and cause stress for El. When we get into the car it's quiet for a long time until he reaches over and turns on the radio. We listen to the song for awhile then he speaks up, "Thanks for coming with me Liv, I owe you one." We drive up to the house and I'm feeling a little more confident knowing I'm making Elliot happy in a way. We get out of the car and walk up to the door, he knocks three times and we wait for someone to open it.

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