Chapter 7

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Olivia's POV
I woke up from my nap and got in the shower before I went to Elliots. I got dressed in leggings, a cami, and the grey sweatshirt that El and I share. I put on some light make up to cover up the bruising and pulled on my Uggs before locking my door and hailing a cab to get to Elliots.

When I got to Elliots apartment, I knocked on the door a couple of times. El came and opened the door only wearing loose fitting sweatpants with no shirt. I drank him all in, his smooth hard chest, the tattoo on his arm, and a scar next to his left nipple from being shot during a case.

"You done starin?" Elliot chuckled, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I felt my face get hot but laughed it off  before saying, " I wasn't staring at anything"

"You so we're but that's understanble, I am pretty freaking hot." Elliot smirked at me, causing me to blush even harder.

"Are you gonna let me in or what, Stabler?" I asked not wanting to be any more embarrassed than I already was. Elliot moved out of the way to let me in and I went straight to the kitchen grabbing a beer to cool down.

Elliot came up behind me an grabbed a beer as well. I turned around to go to the couch but ended up chest to chest with Elliot. There was a minute of ackward movement and small apologies before we moved to opposite ends of the kitchen and both took drinks from our bottles.

"So, you're wearing my sweatshirt?" Elliot asked breaking the silence.

I finally looked up again and grinned at him, "I like to think of it as our sweatshirt actually..."

"Oh you do, do you? I like that thought better." Said Elliot looking at me, grinning.

After talking for awhile in the kitchen, we decided to watch a movie in the living room.

"So what do you want to watch?" Elliot asked

"I don't care, it's your house you choose."

"Well you're the guest so you should choose." Elliot reasoned

"Fine let's watch Insidious."

"You know that's really scary right?"

"You know im a big girl right? If you're too scared I understand..." I said smirking at him

"We'll see who's going to be scared." Elliot said starting the movie and turning off the lights. "Do you want a blanket?"

"Yeah but hurry up the movie's starting!" I yelled at him down the hall.

"I'm coming,hold your horses." He laughed moving towards the couch to sit with me.

The movie and started and it was a lot scarier than I thought. I kept scooting closer amd closer to Elliot and by the end of the movie I was in his lap with  my face in the crook of his neck.

"I told you the movie was scary." Elliot said, in a soft time.

"I know but I didn't think it would be nearly that scary."

All of a sudden there were two knocks on the door before someone came in, we turned around to see Kathy looking completely dumbfounded.

"Um hi Olivia.. I wasn't expecting you to be here."

"Hey Kath, we were just watching a movie." Elliot stammered

"Well I just came to discuss the kids' schedules and you can get back to your night..."

"I can leave." I offered not wanting things to be even more awkward than they were. I suddenly remembered I was still sitting in Elliots lap with his hands around my waist. I quickly got removed his hands and got up, my face getting redder by the minute.

"No Liv, it will only take a minute stay." Elliot said giving me a reassuring smile. He didn't seem at all phased that his wife who he is still in the process of getting divorced from just walked in on me sitting on him. Elliot got up and moved towards the kitchen sitting at the table. I suddenly felt very hot and went to get a beer from the fridge. When I turned around to go back to the living room Elliot suddenly pulled me into his lap. I was shocked but stayed there since his arm was around me again. Kathy sat at the table with us and started talking about the kids. I just sat and listened, every now and then they'd get into small arguments about when they would get the kids, and whenever that happened I could feel Elliots grip on me tighten, which was definitely not missed by Kathy.

"El let me up please I have to go to the bathroom." I said before getting up and exiting room.

Elliots POV

"What the hell Elliot?" Kathy asked as soon as the bathroom door closed behind Olivia.

"What's the matter?" I asked even though I knew exactly what she was talking about.

"You know what! We're not even divorced yet and you're already screwing your partner?"

"We're not screwing, we're barely even dating."

"Well it seemed like a lot more than that when I came in with her on your lap and your hands all over her."

"What are you so upset about anyway? Who I date is none of your business."

"Yes it is! I have the right to know who's around my children. And I still care about and love you in a way, so it hurts knowing you can throw away 17 years of marriage without a second thought. But I guess I should have known you do anything for her."

"Kathy, we have the kids schedules figured out and that's why you came here so why don't we talk about this later when I don't have company over." I said, finishing the conversation just as Olivia was coming out.

"Fine Elliot, but let me know when you're ready to stop playing whatever game this is."

"Yeah whatever I'll call later tonight to say goodnight to the kids."

Kathy grabbed her purse and left, slamming the door. I went into the  fridge and grabbed another beer when I felt Olivia's arms wrap around my waist. "I'm sorry, this wouldn't have happened if I hadn't come over tonight without asking."  Olivia mumbled into my back.

I turned around and held her. "No baby I'm so glad you came over tonight. Kathy freaked over nothing don't worry about it." I leaned down and claimed her lips slowly. I put my hands on her waist and moved them lower to squeeze her ass. She moaned in my mouth and snakes her arms around my neck. I picked her up and carried her to my bedroom.

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