Chapter 5

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Olivia's POV
I woke up the next morning after going to the movies with Elliot and decided to call him and ask about the dinner plans
The Phone call
Olivia: Hey El
Elliot: Hey Liv what's up?
Olivia: I just called to ask if  you still wanted to go to dinner at that restaurant or whatever?
Elliot: Yeah of course! I'll pick you up around 5:30 and we can head over, sound good?
Olivia: Sounds great see you then, bye El.
Elliot: Bye Liv
End Phone Call
After talking with Elliot I went out and made some coffee for myself and watched a bit of tv. I had all day to kill until Elliot would be here for dinner, so I went out to run some errands. I went and got dressed and walked to the grocery store around the corner. I'd been shopping for about 5 minutes when I looked up from my list and and saw a familiar blue eyed , blonde haired girl down the aisle- Maureen Stabler.

"Hey Mo, haven't seen you in forever." I said sarcastically with a smile.

"Liv! I know it's been way too long." Maureen laughed playing along.

I looked around and didn't seem any of the other Stabler's, " Where's everyone else?" I asked

"Oh they're with mom right now, in the freezer aisle. But more importantly dad came by last night..." She looked at me with a smirk as if to say, "I told you so!" Even though she told me nothing and nothing had happened. "He said that you guys went to lunch and a movie yesterday. Was it a date?"

I blushed at her question, saying, "No, it was not a date. It was merely two friends hanging out."

"That's what he said too, but mom doesn't believe him they got into it last night about it. I don't really get why though, they're separated and will soon be divorced so what's the big deal if you date."

"Well honey, it's not really my place to say when it'll be ok for your parents to date again. Besides this is none of my business and if your father wants me to know about it he'll tell me." I replied trying to be stern but I was fighting a smile and was blushing, so it didn't really work.

"Whatever you say Liv, but I gotta go. So hopefully I'll see you soon and more often." Maureen said with a wink and a smile before walking off towards the freezer aisle.

I shook my head, smiling at her as I walked towards the check out line.

It was already 5pm and I still hadn't showered for my dinner with Elliot so I got up from my couch and got in the shower. By the time I got out to get dressed and do my hair and make up I only had a half hour left. I hurried and got dressed in the  flannel button up, leggings, and converse that I'd picked out earlier. After I got dressed and curled my hair, I went and put on some light make up and finished just in time to hear a knock at the door.

When I opened the door Elliot was there, as expected, and was all ready to go.

"Hey El, I'm ready this time!" I exclaimed as we walked out the door together.

"Well I'll be damned, Olivia Benson is ready at the right time! Praise the Lord!" Elliot laughed and smirked at me as I playfully hit him in his chest.

We got to the restaurant and ordered an appetizer to share. Talking here and there between taking sips of our drinks and laughing.

"Guess who I saw today!" I said rather loudly, remembering the encounter with Elliot's orders daughter.

"Who?" Elliot asked in a loud, high pitched voice, mocking me.

"Maureen! I was at the grocery store around the corner from my apartment and saw her in the bread aisle. I was surprised to see her there because I figured that they shopped in Queens. But anyways, she's too funny, she was talking about us dating and Kathy."  I said looking up at him waiting for him to tell me about what happened the night before.

"Oh she told you about that? Well we were at dinner because I went to go see the kids and Kathy invited me to stay for dinner. Maureen had asked me what I did yesterday and I told her what we did but didn't mention you. Kathy asked if I went with anyone and I said a buddy and she asked who so I just said oh Liv and moved on. But when we were doing the dishes together she started questioning me about it and I started to get mad and yelled a bit and then next thing I know we're both yelling and so I went, said goodbye to the kids and left." Elliot sighed.

"Don't worry about it, El. We're not dating so she had no right to yell at you." I smiled at him and stretched across the table to squeeze his hand.

"Would you maybe want to?" Elliot asks after a few minutes of silence.

"Want to what El?"

"Date." He said simply as if it was no big deal.

"Would you?" I asked knowing damn well that I wanted to.

"Yeah... But I get if you don't want to." He whispered sheepishly looking down.

"Well maybe we can just "hang out" a bit more like this and at each other's houses before we give it a title." I suggested making air quotes with my fingers around the phrase hang out.

"That sounds perfect." Elliot sighed happily, squeezing my hand before we both went back to eating.

After we finished Elliot brought me home and I went up to my apartment and flashed my lights to let him know I was okay. I went into my room and undressed before laying on my bed, smiling like an idiot over the night I just had.

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