Chapter 6

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Elliot's POV
I woke up the next morning after my date/hang out with Liv last night. I  looked at the clock and saw that I had 10 minutes before my alarm would go off so I just got up. I got in the shower, dressed, and was out the door to go get Liv for work in 20 minutes.

Before I went to Liv's place I stopped and got us both black coffees. I stopped out side of Olivia's apartment and texted her, saying I was there to pick her up and a couple minutes later she was walking out the front door and was sitting in the passenger seat.

"Here you are." I said handing her a cup of coffee.

"Mm thanks, I needed this." She told me before sipping her coffee.

"Rough night?" I asked, pulling into the road and into traffic.

"No, not really I just needed some coffee. I think becoming a cop's gotten me addicted to it." She laughed, shaking her head. "I never drank this much coffee before I was on the force."

"Yeah neither did I, I suppose all cops are addicted to coffee to some degree."

We sat in a comfortable silence the rest of the ride and when we got to the precinct I got out and walked around to open her door. We walked in together and rode the elevator up to SVU's floor.

When we got inside the bullpen, it was utter madness. People were everywhere, on the phones, looking through files, and at their desks. We went up to Fin to see what was going on, "What happened?" I asked

"Two little girls were kidnapped this morning and one of them has Type 2 Diabetes. She needs insulin shots several times a day and worst case scenario, could go into a coma without it for longs periods of time." Fin answered, not looking up from his computer.

"Benson! Stabler! My office now!" Cragen barked coming out of his office. We looked at each other and followed him into his office. "Ok we have two girls missing-"

"We know cap, Fin just briefed us on it. What's the plan?" Olivia said cutting him off.

"There's only one lead so far but it's a good one. Tanya Reyes and her husband, Michael were seen in a black SUV on the corner of 8th avenue this morning at 7:45, the last time the girls were seen on their way to school. Both of the Reyes' have records and aren't allowed to be within 200 yards of children. Michael is also on the sex offenders list for molesting a 10 year old girl back in '89. They're both highly dangerous." Captain told us showing is pictures of the couples mugshots from previous offenses.

"Cap we got something! It says here that that the couple lives at 137 Monroe Drive outside of Manhattan." Munch yells from his desk.

"Ok good, Benson and Stabler go check it out!"

We drove to the residents and I knocked on the door, "NYPD open up!!!" I yelled.

We waited a few minutes until I just broke down the door. Liv walked in first drawing her gun. She went upstairs while I checked downstairs. I was in the kitchen when I heard a scream and a series of thuds. I ran to the stairs and saw Liv laying at the base and someone running down the hall upstairs.

"I'm okay Elliot, but he's getting away we gotta move!" Olivia yelled running up the stairs after the assailant.

When we got upstairs the man, who I assumed was Michael was crawling out the window. I grabbed him and pushed him to the ground, cuffing him and reading him his Miranda Rights.

At the precinct, Olivia took Michael to the interrogation room and came back out. I walked up to her and saw her head and face were bruised from the stairs.

"Liv you need to go see Melinda and get that checked out you could be seriously hurt." I told her, brushing her hair away from her face to look at the bruises closer. 

"I'm fine El, I'll go to he doctor after we solve this case. For now I'll just put some ice on it and take some pain meds to take away the bruising."

I didn't feel like arguing with her now so I didn't say anything and instead went to interrogate the perp. After four hours he cracked and told us that he'd killed the girls after he was done "using" them and when his wife tried to stop him from killing them he killed her too. He was going away for life.

"Okay Liv, we solved the case, it's time to go to the doctor." I said as we got back from where Michael had dumped all three bodies.

"Fine let's go." She sighed and we walked out together.

The car ride was quiet, both of us thinking about the case, when I broke the silence, "Do you wanna come over tonight to watch some movies?" I asked looking over at her.

"Yeah, sure I'll come over around 8 tonight. Is that ok?" She answered looking back at me

"Perfect." I said.

Olivia's POV
When we got to the doctors office we checked and sat in the waiting room for  20 minutes until a nurse came out and called my name. I stood up and to my surprise Elliot did too following me to the back.

The nurse asked me all the standard questions and took my blood pressure before leaving us to wait for the doctor. The doctor finally came in and asked me some mor questions and looked at my bruising.

"Well you definitely have a concussion, but it's not too bad. You'll have a headache for the next few days so just take some pain meds and ice as you've been doing to keep to keep the bruising down. If you experience any memory loss come back and we'll see what's happening." Said the doctor before shaking my hand and Elliot's and walking out.

Elliot took me home so I could take a nap before I went over to his place at 8. I took some more pain meds and went to my room, falling asleep quickly.

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