Chapter 2

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Kathy's POV

I'm sitting in the living room and look up to see that it's already 7:15 and I haven't made dinner yet. I get up to go to the kitchen when there's a knock at the door. I go to see who it is and was shocked to see Elliot and Olivia standing on the porch

Elliot's POV

Kathy opens the door and looks utterly shocked but then regains her composure and smiles at us. "Elliot... Olivia. What're you guys doing here?" Kathy asks moving away from the door so we can come in.

"We went out for drinks and I decided that I wanted to come see the kids, so I invited Liv to come along since she hasn't seen them in so long." I tell her getting a glass of water before offering Liv some, which she declines. I can tell she's still nervous so I decide to make this a short visit.

"Hi Kathy, it's been awhile." Olivia says, smiling at Kathy, which she returns.

"Yes it has Olivia, it's nice to see you." Kathy moves around the kitchen making dinner until she surprisingly moves over to Olivia and gives her a small hug that Liv returns.

I decide that I want to go see kids before things get horribly awkward between the three of us. "Um, Liv I'm gonna go up and see the kids you wanna come? We can get out of your way while you make dinner Kath." I say finishing my water and putting it in the sink.

Liv gives me a grateful look and moved to go upstairs with me. "Thank you" she whispers to me while we walk the stairs together. I nod and smile at her and knock on Maureen's door before entering with Liv right behind me.

Maureen looks up at us when we walk in and smiles at us, getting up off of her bed to hug us. "Hey dad! Hey Liv! What're you guys doing here?" She asks while hugging Olivia.

"We just wanted to come see you guys." Olivia answers for me "I haven't seen any of you in forever, it seems like!" Liv says while taking a seat next to Maureen on her bed.

"Yeah it's been way too long Liv." Maureen says to her. I watch the interaction and smile to myself thinking about how good Liv is with kids, especially mine.

After talking with Maureen for awhile longer we move on to Kathleen's room. I knock before entering and walk in with Olivia. Kathleen's not in her room so we assume she's in the bathroom and move on to the twins room. Lizzie's on her bed doing a puzzle while Dickie played with cars on the floor.

"Hey guys!" Olivia exclaims, which makes them both look up and smile. They get up and are running at us end jump into our arms, Lizzie in Liv's and Dickie in mine. Olivia and I both laugh and she says, "It's good to see you guys too." While tickling Lizzie and setting her down as I do the same with Dickie.

"We missed you Livvie! And you too daddy but we never get to see Livvie!" Lizzie says hugging me and then turning to look at her brother who's been oddly quiet.

I looked at Dickie and laughed to see he was completely awestruck staring at Olivia, who smile and waved at him. Someone definitely has a crush.

We say goodbye to the twins and go back to the hall just in time to catch Kathleen coming out of her room. We all hug and catch up for awhile in the hallway until Kathy called them all down for dinner. We went downstairs with the kids, said goodbye and thanked Kathy and hugged all the kids and left.

We got in the care and I drove Liv home. When we got to her apartment she hugged my across the consul and said, " Thanks for bringing me along, I know I was hesitant but I'm really glad I went with you. It was fun and we should definitely hang out again. Thanks again!"

I nodded at her and smiled. She got out of the car and walked into her apartment building. I sat and watched her turn her lights on and off a few times so I knew she was safe. I drove off thinking about tonight was one of the best nights I've had in awhile.

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