Chapter 10

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Olivia's POV
The weekend went by way too quickly for all of us but we promised to do it again soon. Today Elliot has to go back to work and I have to stay here. I turned over in his arms and began to leave feather light kisses on his face. "Baby you need to get up." I whispered kissing his lips softly.

Elliot started to stir and then opened his eyes. "Mmm five more minutes." He groaned, stretching his arms and wrapping them around my waist.

"I already gave you an extra ten minutes so if you don't get up now you're going to be late." I laughed softly running my fingers through his short hair. "I'll make you breakfast while you're in the shower."

"I don't want to leave you. You'll be all alone with a headache." Elliot whined but he got up to get in the shower. "And besides Munch and Fin aren't as fun to work with... or look at." He winked and wiggled his eyebrows before going into the bathroom and shutting the door.

I laughed to myself and got up. I went into the kitchen to make Elliot breakfast like I promised. I moved around beginging to make eggs and toast before he got out. Fifteen minutes later our plates were ready and Elliot was out and eating breakfast.

"Babe?" Elliot asks, looking up from his plate at me.

"Hmm?" I attempt to say but my mouth is full.

"Do you think we're moving too fast? Like we just officially started dating like four days ago and we only had sex once but you've stayed here every night since, my kids spent the night with us, my soon to be ex-wife knows about us, and we haven't even gone on a real first date." He said, I began to worry thinking he was backing out.

"Umm no actually I like this pace. I know a lot of people would say it's fast but it feels right. What do you think?" I asked praying to God he wasn't rethinking us.

"I love it," Elliot smiled "but I gotta get going or Cragen will have my ass. Are you sure you'll be okay?" He asked for the millionth time before kissing me and putting on his jacket.

"Yes I will be just fine, I'll miss you too baby." We kissed again, then he walked out the door.  I was so relieved  when Elliot said he loves our pace. I can't even begin to imagine losing him.

I cleaned up the kitchen and then went into the living room, I didn't have anything to do and all my friends were at work today. I began to feel restless so I cleaned Elliot's apartment for him and when that was done, I decided to go over to my apartment and get some new clothes. When I got to my apartment it was just how I left it, I went to my room grabbing a couple pairs of underwear and a few bras. I grabbed different jeans, sweats, and shorts along with a couple t-shirts. After stuffing all my clothes into a bag, I changed my clothes and went to the deli by the precinct to bring Elliot lunch.

It seemed to be a pretty slow day at the precinct when I got there. Everyone was sitting at their desks doing paperwork. I went over to Elliot and wrapped my arms around him from behind. He jumped at turned around to face me. "Hey Liv, you scared me. What are you doing here?" 

"Just thought I'd bring you some lunch. I went over to my apartment and packed a bag with some new clothes." I tell him as we sit down to eat our sandwiches.

"Does that mean you plan on staying a little longer?" Elliot asked with a smirk as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"Well I thought I'd stay until you start to really annoy me." We continued with our banter until we were interrupted by the sound of my cell phone ringing.  I didn't know the number but answered anyway, "Benson?"

"Hi Olivia, it's me Kathy. You said that you were free from work all this week, and I'm busy with stuff the rest of the week and I was wondering if we could talk now?" 

"Yeah we can do that, I'm at the precinct right now so do you wanna just meet at the coffee shop across the street?"

"Sure, I'll meet you there in 20 minutes. See you then." She hung up not giving me a chance to reply.

Elliot looked at me and asked, "Who was that bab-Liv?" We wanted to keep out newfound relationship away from work for a little longer so his little slip up made me nervous.

"Um... That was Kathy, she wants to meet for coffee now." I was nervous about talking to her by myself but knew it had to be done at some point if Elliot and I were going to get as serious as I want. "I'm going to meet her at the coffee place across the street in a couple minutes."

Elliot look around to make sure no one was watching before getting up and putting his hands on both of my thighs. "Are you okay? You don't have to do this yet if you're not ready." His voice was filled with concern and I loved him even more for it.

I smiled at him and squeezed his hand that was still resting on my leg. "I'll be fine, we all need to be on the same page as the adults. I don't want things to be weird for any of us, especially the kids. Besides, I was going to have to talk to her eventually and I want to just get it out of the way."

Elliot looked around the room one more time before giving me a chaste kids on the lips. "You're absolutely amazing you know that?"

"Believe me I know" I said with a smile. I finished my sandwhich and put some more clothes from my locker in my bag. Right before leaving, I went back to Elliot's desk, "Hey I'm leaving to meet her now. Wish me luck, I'll see you back at your apartment. Pick up some Chinese on your way!" I discretely kissed him on the cheek before leaving to meet my boyfriend's ex-wife for the most dreaded conversation in my life.

A/N: Should the chapters be longer?? Let me know what you guys think :))

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