Chapter 8

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Olivia's POV

I woke up in the morning with Elliott's arm protectively wrapped around my naked waist. So much for taking it slow I  thought to myself, I didn't mind though. After a minute Elliot started to stir and I turned around in his arms. "Good morning beautiful." Elliot smiled lazily

"Mmm morning" I said pecking him on the lips. Elliot deepened the kiss and pulled me on top of him. We made out for a few minutes until I felt my stomach rumble.

"Somebody's hungry." Elliot chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist. "What do you want to eat I'll make you anything you want."

"Anything I want?" I asked with a hopeful smile. "I was thinking we could have waffles, bacon, eggs, and some fresh fruit..."

"Sounds delicious, is there absolutely anything else?"

"Maybe a kiss?"

"Ooh I don't know about that one." Elliot smiled leaning towards me and kissing me.

He got up and pulled on his sweats. Turning around he blew me a kiss, which I caught and returned before leaning down and grabbing his shirt. I put it on and found my panties pulling them on as well. I went into the kitchen sitting at the table. Elliot was at the stove humming to himself and making eggs. "Do you need help babe?"

"Could you get the pancake mix out of the cupboard please?" I got up to get the mix and handed it to him. "Thank you. Ya know I love you in my shirts."  He smirked and pecked my lips.

"I love wearing your shirts." I smiled against his lips. Soon the food was ready and we sat down at the table together to eat.

"What do you wanna do today?" Elliot asked with a mouth full of good.

I smiled and shook my head at him, "Don't you have to go to work?"

"No, I took the day off to spend with you since you can't work from your concussion. How's your head by the way? Does it hurt?"

"Thank you for staying with me. My head hurts a little from all the screaming I did last night." I answer with the biggest smirk on my face.

"You're amazing you know that right?" Said Elliot leaning over and pulling me into his lap. A minute later his phone rang taking us both out of our reverie. "Oh it's Kathy." He said with an eye roll.

Elliot: Hello

Kathy: Hi, the kids wanted to know why you didn't call last night.

Elliot: Oh I got busy and completely forgot. Tell them I'm so sorry.

*Elliot tickles Olivia and she giggles in the background*

Kathy: Well it sounds like you still have company so I'll have them call later. Wouldn't want to interrupt your time.

Kathy hangs up and Elliot sighs. "What happened baby?" I ask hearing him sigh.

"She's just mad about last night still and then she heard you giggle and freaked out all over again. I need to call my kids I forgot last night."

I moved off of his lap and started collecting our dirty dishes, "You can call them and I'll do the dishes, okay? If you want, we can pick the kids up and take them out for ice cream."

"Okay that's a good idea, I'll call them and ask. Thanks." He said pecking me in the lips.

"What are you thanking me for?"

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