Chapter 3

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Olivia's POV
I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing on my bedside table. I rolled over and answered it without looking at the caller ID.

"Benson" I automatically said, sleep still evident in my voice.

"Hey there, sleepy head." I heard Elliot say on the other line. I could practically hear him smiling as he greeted me. "So, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out today?" He asked timidly as if he was nervous to talk to me.

"Yeah, sure I'd love to. What were you thinking?" I knew this wasn't a date but it still kind of felt like it. It brought butterflies to my stomach and I felt like a teenager again, so I had to keep reminding myself he's my best friend not my date.

"Well, I was thinking a movie. I checked the movie listings and I thought that Deadpool looked pretty funny, but we can see whatever  you want." I smiled to myself thinking about how shy he was talking about this as if we hadn't been best friends for years. I could see why he was weird though, it was almost like asking me out and that could change a lot. I was brought out of my thought when I heard Elliot on the other line, "Liv you there?" He asked

"Yeah, sorry. Deadpool looks good. What time were you thinking?" I asked, internally hoping it would be pretty soon but not too soon so I still had time  to get ready and look good.

"Well, there's showings at 1pm, 4:45pm, 7:30pm, and midnight. I was thinking that since it's 9am now, we could go at 1pm and grab a small lunch before so we can still get popcorn at the movie. Does that sound ok?" He was so considerate and it sounded absolutely perfect.

"Sounds great. So should I be ready around 11:30 and we can go get pizza for lunch and then we can head over to the movie?" I said, moving towards my closet to pick out my outfit for the day.

"Yeah that'll be good I'll come pick you up and if you're not down when I get there I'll come up. See you soon, bye." He said before hanging up.

I finally decided on a tight blue blouse, with dark skinny jeans, and black ankle boots. I went and got in the shower and washed my hair and my body before getting out. I dried off and got dressed before brushing my hair and putting on some light makeup. When I was done I put my shoes on and heard a knock at the door. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 11:35. I went and answered the door to see Elliot leaning against the doorway.

"Hey sorry I'm late, the time must've gotten away from me. Let me go get my shoes on and I'll be ready to go." I told him walking to my room to put my shoes on. I put my shoes on and walked back out grabbing my purse.

Elliot took my purse out of my hand and put it on my couch. "You won't be needing that today." He said smiling and winking at me.

We walked out the door and went to the pizza place. He ordered a medium pepperoni pizza for us both and we sat down in a booth.

"Thanks for inviting me today." I said before taking a sip of my water. Elliot looked up and smiled at me nodding.

"You're very welcome. I don't think we've ever just hung out, and I consider you to be my best friend so I just thought what the hell, it'll be fun." He said smiling at me again.

The pizza came soon and we ate and made small talk before leaving to get to the movie on time. We got into the movie theatre and got our tickets and I went to order a small popcorn and two Cokes. We went into the theatre and watched the previews until the real movie started. It was a pretty good movie and he was right it was funny. When the movie was over we got in his jeep and he dropped me off at my apartment after asking if I had a good time and if I'd ever want to do it again. I said of course and was excited just thinking about doing it again.

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