Part 2

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Part 2

*Ashlyn's POV*


she did it for US!" We both smiled and hugged each other.

The bus driver told us to quiet down and calm down. When he

looked away we stuck our toungues out. Apparently, he saw us.

We both giggled. We pulled up to the school and the bus driver

opened the door. Kids got up to get off the bus, but when me

and Mckenzie got up we were pushed back down by Tess. -_-

"Ow!" Mckenzie and I both said at once. "What's wrong with 

you Tess?" Mckenzie asked. "Listen up Dweebs, this is my bus,

my school, and my teritory, and your not gonna take it over

or get more attention just cause you have some stupid tickets

to "Justin Bieber"!" "Oh thats ok, we dont want attention, your

bus, or your school/territory." Mckenzie said in a smart elicy

way. Lol. Tess stepped off the bus. Of course Mckenzie and I

were last.

*After school*

Mckenzie came over tonight to stay the night since tomorrow

is the concert. Mom is letting us drive her white Impalla to 

the concert. We are having my favotire thing tonight for dinner,

chili! =) "Omg, thanks mom!" "Your welcome, sweetie" ;) "I love

you mom and dad." "We love you to" They both said at the same

time. "Oh honey." "Yes dad?" "Im giving you girls 2,500 dollars

extra for M&G's and to buy CD's and T-shirts." "Aw! Thanks 

dad! Your the best!" =) "Think nothing of it" =) We grabbed 

our bowls of chili and went upstairs to my room. We turned 

"My World" on really low so we could talk. "I cant believe your 

dad is giving us 2,500 dollars to meet our idol!" "Ikr!? I never

thought he would do that!" It was getting late. So when we

finished our chili we went to sleep.

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