Part 15

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Part 15

*Ashlyn's POV*

She screamed and jumped up and down. "OMG! OMG! OMG!

Mommy, I'm riding in the same car as Justin Bieber! I'm

going to his concert to!" She yelled. "I know! I know!" My

mom said pretending to be excited for her. "Come on tuts."

I told her. "Bye mom. See you after the concert." I told

her. "Ok watch Tammie well and take care of her." "I

will!" =) I smiled at her. I tried to grab Tammie's hand 

but she said no. She wanted to look like a big girl. She

was 8. We walked out of the house and climbed in the 

limo. She sat in between me and Justin. "H-h-h-hi

Justin!" She stuttered. "Hi Tammie! It's nice to finally

meet you!" He told her. "Um its GREAT to finally meet 

you!" She said back. I giggled. "Tammie, he is human to.

Yes, he's Justin Bieber but you will have to get used to

him. He will be around ALOT! Treat him as you would 

treat another one of my boyfriends haha gosh!" I told 

her laughing. "Its ok, she'll get used to me." He added

giggling. We had a 1 1/2 hour drive to get there. But 

with Joe driving, we will be there in 1 lol. Joe is the limo

driver. In the limo there were 3 different sets of seats

we could choose from. There is a T.V., Xbox 360, and 

a wii. We all decided to play the Xbox. We played Halo.

I beat them both! "Ha-ha!" I told them both. "Haha

shut-up!" They both said playfully together. We had 10

minutes left of riding to do. We were in the town just

not at the arena. Finally, we arrived at the arena. There

was countless people waiting outside. We pulled right up 

to the door. We walked in the entrance and went backstage

to his dressing room so he could get ready. The dressing

room was like the size of a bedroom. This dressing room

has 3 couches, a closet, wardrobe, dresser, bathroom, 

and a twin bed. "Whoah!" Tammie & I exclaimed together.

"It's huge!" She said. "Yup!" Justin replied. "Tammie, turn

around, Justin has to change." "Ok, but what about you?"

"I'm going to the bathroom to pee. Why don't you come

with." Tammie & I went to the bathroom. I went pee

while Tammie looked around and fixed her hair in the 

mirror. We went back out to the dressing room and Justin

was dressed except a shirt. He wanted me to pick his 

shirt. I picked out a white shirt with a gold jacket to go

over it. We heard yelling all of a sudden. "They must 

have opened the gates." Justin said. "It's time to go 

out!" He said. Justin had a security guard reserve us 2

VIP seats in the gates between the seats and stage. He

entered on the Believe wings again. That's how it would

be with every Believe concert. Also, every Believe concert

would start out with 'All Around The World' and always

end with 'Baby'. Tammie was already having a blast. 

After 'All Around The World' he said "What's up L.A.?"

as he did when Mckenzie & I went. The crowd screamed.

He started singing 'Fall' acoustic. I love this song.

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