Part 8

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Part 8

*Justins POV*

I went in the resturant to find Ashlyn. She was no where

to be found! I went to ask Mckenzie to look in the bathroom.

Mckenzie had said she was in the car waiting for me.

*Ashlyn's POV*

UGH! I cant believe Justin! "Mckenzie, what am I gonna do?

I love him so much and have since I was 13. He is the love of

my life!" I said worridly to Mckenzie who just got back from

in the resturant with Justin. "I know.... *sighs* I know." She

replied. "Now, lets go back out there and finish our food and

get home, ok?" She said. "K" =) I said with a smile. We went

and sat down to eat. It was silent for 6 minutes straight. 

The blue-eyed, blonde waitress came by to pick up our plates.

That's when Justin said something. "Ashlyn, I'm so sorry for

upsetting you. I didn't mean what I said!" "Justin, that's 

enough. I don't wanna hear it. You said it clear that you miss

SG (Selena Gomez). So, if you miss her that much, why don't

you go apologize to her?" I replied angrily. I got up and paid 

for my share, and ran to the car to sit and wait. I saw them

in the mirror coming. Great. They got in the car and Justin

said "Ashlyn, when you calm down, text me. I understand 

your upset so just text me in the morning." We drove off to

drop Justin back off at the arena where Scooter told us to

meet him at. "Goodnight" I said in a harsh way when he 

stepped out. "Goodnight."

*Mckenzies POV*

WOW. That's all I can say. This is CRAZY, messed up, stupid 

drama that is about to be settled.

*Ashlyn's POV*

When Justin got out of the car, I quickly drove off. "Ashlyn,

I dont know what that was all about, but I think it needs to 

be settled. I mean he is Justin Bieber. Not a boy from school.

You cant let him go." "I know, I know....I know." I said sulking

with my head down. I dropped her off at her house and went

home. When I got home, I checked my facebook and I got on

Twitter to see if Justin tweeted and if he did, what he tweeted.

Everyone was sleeping. It was pretty late. When I got on twitter,

I saw he tweeted. He said "Having a great night, with a great

woman. =) " That made me smile. =) I texted him an "I'm sorry"

text and a goodnight text. When they were sent, I went 

upstairs and brushed my teeth, changed to PJ's and fell asleep.

*Next Morning*

I awoke to the sounds of a lawn mower and birds chirping.

Before I got up, I checked my phone. Justin texted me. The

text said "Goodmorning beautiful, how did you sleep?" I texted

him back and said "Goodmoring honey! Mine was good and I slept

well how about yourself?" I got out of bed, threw my hair in

a messy bun, brushed my teeth, peed, and went downstairs.

Everyone was gone and there was a note on the table. The note

said "Ashlyn, we went grocery shopping and are running a few

errends. Be back by dinner time around 5." YES! I'm home 

alone ALL day on a Saturday.

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