Part 10

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Part 10

*Ashlyn's POV*

When my parents got home, they thanked me for cleaning 

and they brought back pizza =). "Did anything happen while

we were gone, honey?" asked Mom. "Nope. I just had some

friends over for a game of 'True Colors' and we watched

'The Notebook'." =) "Aw! Well I hope you had fun!" "I did!"

^_^ "Good, I'm glad you did. Now leats eat!" Haha. I had 3

slices of pizza. When I was finished eating, I went upstairs

to take a shower. The hot water felt so good on my freezing

skin. When I got out of the shower it was 7. I checked my

phone and saw I had 2 new texts. 1 was from Justin, and the

other was from Mckenzie. I opened Justin's first. I am 

honestly scared to open Mckenzies. The text from Justin

said "Are you free for a movie tonight just you and me?"

I went to ask my mom and she said I could go so I called 

Justin and told him I could go. I went upstairs and got 

dressed in black skinny-jeans with my "I <3 Justin Bieber"

shirt and a heavey hoodie. I put on some eye-liner and 

mascara with some foundation. That was it. I threw my hair

up in a hight pony. I brushed my teeth, threw on my supra's,

grabbed my purse, and went downstairs to wait. I decided to

open Mckenzies text. It said "Im sorry I got mad and jealous.

He's your man and I should respect that!" WHOAH! I actually

got an apologie text! I heard a horn outside. I walked to the

window to see if it was Justin. It was. "Bye Mom. Love you!

I'll be back later!" "Ok! Have fun and tell Justin I said hi!"

"Oh trust me, I will have fun and I will tell him!" =) I told

her with a smile. I walked outside to get in the car. Justin

was out of the car to open the door for me. How sweet! :D

He greeted me with a warm hug & kiss. I kissed him back

and slipped in the car. We drove off. "What movie we going

to see?" I asked him. "We are going to see 'The Vow'" 

"Really? OMG! I have waited to see that movie!" "I knew you

wanted to see it!" =) "I love you." "Love you to." ^_^ I leaned

over and kissed him. When we got to the theatre, he opened

the door for me again. =) He is the best boyfriend EVER! We

got in the theatre and bought 2 tickets to 'The Vow'. :D

We got popcorn and pop then walked in the theatre. We sat

in the very back row. We were hoping no one would ask for

pictures or autographs. When we entered the theatre, no one

was in there. But people started to come in and sit. Because

it was so dark in there, nobody noticed Justin. That made me

happy. =) "Thanks for bringing me here babe, I'm enjoying

myself already." I whispered to him. "Anytime! Im enjoying

myself to." He whispered back.The movie started and everyone

got quiet. This movie is suppose to be a romantic one. 

Romantic-action. This movie is really good so far. I looked

over at Justin and he was staring at me. "What?" I asked

him. "Nothing, your just so beautiful." He replied. "Aw! 

Thanks!" =) I leaned in and kissed him warmly. We held hands

all threw the movie. I reached in the popcorn bowl just to 

find its all gone. We decided to leave 2 minutes before the

movie was over so we werent spotted when leaving.

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