Part 13

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Part 13

*Justin's POV*

Another whole day I get with Ashlyn, ALL BY OURSELVES.

Plus, she is going to the concert with me! =) I love her

so much.

*Ashlyn's POV*

We got up and went down to the kitchen to get some 

breakfast. We decided on cereal. I chose Fruit Loops, 

and Justin chose Trix. We poured our bowls and took 

them to the dining room. We sat next to each other and

talked while we ate. "Have you had fun the past couple

of days?" =) Justin asked with a smile. "I have had the

best few days of my life." =) I replied with a smile. We

finished our cereal and cleaned our bowls. We both went

back to Justin's room to make the bed, get dressed, 

brush my teeth, do my hair, and do my make up. I took

my bag to the bathroom to do all that. I got in black

skinny jeans with a purple and black shirt that says

'peace, love, happiness, hope, and joy' it had hearts

smileys and peace signs on it. I opened the bathroom 

door because Justin wanted to watch me do my hair. I 

threw my hair in a high pony. I was just about to put 

on some makeup but Justin stopped me. "Don't put any

makeup on" he said "Your beautiful without it." I smiled

at him. =) "Thanks babe." I leaned over and kissed him. 

Justin was in black skinny jeans with a red shirt on and 

a hat with his supras. <3 I put all my stuff in my bag 

after brushing my teeth. I took my bag with us downstairs

otherwise I would forget it here. I got a text back from

my mom. It said "Ok honey. But make sure you eat before

you come home cause dad, Tammie and I are going out

for dinner." "Ok" I texted back. Justin and I decided to

play a game of tennis. He grabbed the stuff for it and 

we held hands as we went outside. It was beautiful out

today! "You go on that side, I'll go on this side and 

serve." =) Justin said smiling. He threw the ball up and

hit it. It ame flying over the net. I ran and hit it. It

went on like this for an hour. He sang as we played. He

sang Beauty and a Beat <3 It eventually got to hot to 

play so we went inside and got popsicles. I had orange

and he had purple. Mmmmmm it was SO good. He 

offered me a lick of his so I took it. He licked mine 

and I licked his. They were both really good! We wanted

to et in the pool. I took my bikini and got in it and Justin

got in his purple swimming tunks. When we were done

getting ready, we both walked outside and he pushed me

in! That sucker! I was gonna get him good1! "Hey! Why'd

you do that?!" Lol. I giggled. "It was tempting!" He replied.

He jumped in and made a HUGE splash! We both laughed.

I swam over to him and wrapped my legs around him. He

leaned in and slowly kissed my tender lips. We just sat 

there and made-out for 2 minutes. "I love you. So much."

I told him. "Not as much as I love you!" He replied with

a smile. =)

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