Part 23
*Ashlyn's POV*
"Hi Jaxon!!" Justin screamed excitedly as he ran up to him at the airport.
"BRUDDER!!! ITS MY BIG BRUDDER!!!!" He yelled running to him and jumping in his arms. Awwww this was completely so cute :')
"JAZZZYY!!!!!!" Justin said while squeezing Jazzy.
"Ayyyee dad!" Justin gave Jeremy a big hug.
"Well hey there beautiful lady." Justin said to Pattie as he kissed her forehead and hugged her. It was so nice to see so much love come to Justin. It was so cute. I was just smiling and whispering awww under my breath.
"And who is this beautiful lady Justin? Would this be your gorgeous girlfriend?"
"Yes dad. This is my girlfriend. Her name is Ashlyn. Mom, dad, I'd like you to meet my amazingly beautiful girlfriend Ashlyn."
"Hello Ashlyn." Pattie and Jeremy said together. I was blushing because of what Jeremy had said about me being beautiful.
"Hello!" The whole family including Ryan and Chaz, had a group hug than we hurried back to the tour bus so we didn't get mobbed.
*Back at the tour bus*
"Gosh. Its so good to have you guys back on board. I have missed you all so much!"
"We have missed you too, Justin! A lot. Ryan and Chaz were always coming over to our house chilling with us talking about you."
"Awwww. Well your with me now. Ashlyn, don't be shy. Come sit with me babe."
I was standing at the doorway to the living room area holding my right elbow with my left hand. Justin held out his hand and I walked over and took it. I sat down next to him so close that our legs were touching. He had his arm around me and I layed my head on his shoulder while as he kissed my forehead.
"Don't be shy around my family. We are all one big family now. No need to be shy! Talk and communicate. If you stay to quiet, they will suspect your coming up with a plan or something haha."
"Oh no. Never that! So its so nice and my pleasure to meet all of you and be able to tour with you guys. I have a good feeling that its gonna be great. I have always wanted to meet all of you!"
"Well it is so nice to finally meet you. Justin was always talking about you. I'm so happy to actually see all the goodness he was talking about. You really are everything he said you were." Pattie said.
"Well, I hope all of what he said was good haha." I looked at him.
"Oh yeah. It was. I already love you and I've only been with you for a couple hours."
We were just hanging out on the tour bus until Justin's rehearsal. The flight was changed and it was set that they would arrive at noon. Justin's rehearsal started at 2. It was now 1:50.
"Well guys. I better go inside for my rehearsal. My choreographer will get mad if I'm late. You guys are welcome to come watch if you want."
"Okay." We all exclaimed together.
We all got up as Justin did and we all followed him to the arena. Fans were already lined up at the fence watching us as we walked in. They screamed so loud. We got inside and Justin went to the dressing room to change. He got in some sweats and a old beat up shirt. He still looked amazing. He was in socks too. He had no shoes on.
"Alright everyone, line up now. And 5 6 7 8" Justin and his dancers started dancing. They definitely looked great even though they were rehearsing. We all just stood there in amazement and watching as they rehearsed. Justin started singing and dancing. It was sexy. I started swaying bouncing my knees up and down and singing while listening. He smiled when he saw me doing that. Jazzy pointed at me and started smiling and clapping. I couldn't hear what she was saying because of the music being loud. Rehearsals were finally over and we all went to Justin's dressing room. He took off all his clothes except his boxers. Gawd he was so sexy. I checked him out completely. He turned around and caught me checking him out. I looked back at his eyes and he was smiling and came up to me. He whispered in my ear "You like what you see?"