Part 9

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Part 9

*Ashlyn's POV*

I would be home all by myself the WHOLE day. There was

a list of things I could do. I started with Facebook. I got

on Facebook for 2 hours and invited 4 people over for a 

board game and a movie. I invited Justin, Mckenzie, Ashley

and Ryan. =) Only a few close friends. Until they got here, I

cleaned up a bit. I cleaned the bathroom, living room, and 

kitchen. When I finished, they all arrived in one car. I 

greeted everyone. I greeted Justin differently. I hugged 

him and kissed him on the cheek. He kissed mine to. ^_^

When thye all got in and sat down I turned on the stero

real low just for some background music. We all agreed on

the game True Colors. "So Ashlyn, I hear you and Justin

entered a relationship." Ashley said. "Yeah, Im glad we did."

I replied. "He is a great guy, loving, caring, and totally

lovable haha." "And Kissable" ;) Justin added with a wink.

"Oh, stop!" We all finished True Colors and put in 'The 

Notebook'. Justin & I sat on the love seat, while Ashley, 

Ryan, and Mckenzie sat on the couch that sits 3 people. I

made popcorn for all of us. Justin and I shared some and

Ashley and Ryan shared and Mckenzie had a bad all to 

herself. We clicked play and watched the movie. I held 

Justin's hand during the movie. We cuddled to! ^_^ He is 

good at cuddling. <3 

*Mckenzies POV*

Look at them. They are all cuddling having a blast while I'm

over here forever alone. </3 I bet Ashlyn and Justin are 

having fun cuddling and sharing popcorn. I walked to the 

bathroom to pee.

*Justins POV*

I love Ashlyn! <3 She is so awesome and great at cuddling. 

I'm going to try to make my move tonight. Kissing her. ;)

*Ashlyns POV*

When the movie was over I put it away and checked the 

clock. It was 3. My parents will be home in 2 hours. That 

means I have 2 hours to kiss him. "Good movie, eh?" Justin

asked Ryan and Ashley who were still cuddling."Yeah, really

good" They both replied at the same time. I went and made

5 turkey sandwhich's for lunch. When we finished eating, 

we all just sat around and listend to Justin sing. He sang

L-O-V-E to me =) When he finished the last chorus, he 

grabbed my chin and tenderly kissed my lips! YAY! I DID IT!

I kissed him! =D I think Mckenzie got mad. She got up and

walked to the office/computer room and got on twitter. It 

was now 4 so I told them they had to go. I kissed and hugged

him one last time before he left. They stepped out the door

and got in the car and drove off. I went inside and cleaned 

up the plates and stuff. When I was done I texted Justin

to ask Mckenzie if she was mad at me. He asked her and

apperently she got mad and jealous. She was jealous we were

cuddling, hugged, and kissed in front of her. She got mad

because she think I took Justin on purpose to make her jealous.

But I didn't!

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