Chapter 3: What Am I To Do?

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Ronny's POV

I got up around 11, wondering what to do today. I haven't seen my family in a minute, so I figured it'll be good to go visit them.

After a quick shower, I got my keys and headed over Granny's house. While on my way over, I got a call from Destiny.


"Hey baby, what you doing?"

"Heading over my Granny's house."

"Can it wait?"

"Not really. Why?"

"I miss you daddy." She cooed. "Can you come thru? My parents are outta town."

"Yeah, after I leave my Granny's house."

Destiny smacked her lips. "Really Ronny?"

"Yes, really Destiny. What's the problem?"

"I wanna see you."

"Didn't I just see you yesterday? You can wait a couple hours while I go see my family who I haven't seen in about a few weeks cause I been hanging with yo ass all the damn time." I yelled.

"Oh so it's my fault? Fuck it Ronny, don't even worry bout it."

I sighed and spoke calmly. "Quit trippin, Ima come by in a couple hours."

"Whatever, Grandma's Boy." She spat before hanging up.

That's ight, Ima get her ass back later, but now it was family time.

I pulled in the driveway and got out the car. I opened the front door, "Hey Family!" I yelled through the house.

Granny emerged from the kitchen with a broom. She pointed the stick at me and scolded. "Keep on boy! I'm telling you Ima have something for you forreal next time."

"Nice to see you too, Granny." I smiled.

"Come here, chile." She pulled me into a hug. "What's been keeping you so busy that you couldn't come see your folks?"

I sighed. "I got a lot going on granny. Where's mama and Ry?"

"Oh, your mother took Ryan and Kourtney out for icecream."

"Kourtney? He still around?" I didn't like that lil boy.

"He sure and he's just the sweetest boy I've ever met." She looked me up and down. "You need to take some notes."

I smacked my lips. "I'm good. So what you in here doing?"

"I was cleaning up my kitchen until you decided to barge in."

I smiled. "My bad, Granny. I just wanted to come check in on y'all. Make sure you know I haven't forgot about you."

"Well I'm glad you care, cause that's exactly what I was starting to think. What have you been doing?"


"Working where?" She asked sarcastically.

I didn't respond.

Granny just rolled her eyes.

"And when I'm not working, I'm with my girlfriend."

"Your girlfriend?"

"Yes, my girlfriend."

"What happened to Mr. 'I'm never gonna settled down'?"

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