Chapter 10: Moving On

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Candace's POV

It's been a week since I last seen or spoke to Ronny. It's been really hard, but it's for the best.

"Hey," Lena interrupted my thoughts as she scrolled through her Instagram, "lets go to this party tonight." She showed me a little flyer for some Summer Bash.

I shook my head. "You know I don't do parties."

"That's exactly why we're going. We need to go out and have fun. I'm tired of being cooped up in the house with you and I know you tired to."

I shrugged. Maybe I am.

"So we going and we gonna dance all our little cares away. Matter of fact, we need to practice."

"Practice what?"

"You need to learn how to twerk."

"I can twerk!" I protested.

Lena laughed. "You gotta stripper name and a stripper booty, but when it comes to throwing it in a circle.. you throw it in a square."

I smacked my lips. "Shut the hell up Lena."

"I'm being serious Candy! And you need to know how to give a dude a roll up."

"Not doing it." I stopped her. "And I know how to twerk."

"Okay Candace, whatever you say."

Ronny's POV

I was sitting at my desk with the guys at the trap. I still haven't been myself, but I'm trying to get over losing my best friend. Again.

"Man, I still can't believe Candace drop kicked yo ass." Quan laughed.

"I'm bout to drop kick yo ass if you keep talking." I spat.

"Damn, my bad."

"Aye man, check this out." Jon Jon pulled up a flyer on his phone. "This Summer Bash tonight bout be dumb lit. This could help get yo mind off Candy and hopefully you find a new girl."

"With that being said, don't bring Destiny!" Quan butted in.

"Who said I was going? And y'all need to leave my baby alone, we in a real good place right now."

"Yeah I bet, a good place in yo pockets." Jon Jon said.

"I haven't had to spend a dime on her since that $800."

"Cause yo ass ain't got a dime left!" Quan yelled. "That bitch gon leave you high and dry."

"Y'all don't know what y'all talking bout."

"Ight, whatever. You coming or what?"

I sighed. "Yeah, I'll go."

"Leave Dusty at home." Quan joked. (A/N: Thanks to @ GoddessTiller for leaving that in the comments, lol.)

"If it's all over Instagram, she probably already know about it. No guarantees."

My phone buzzed.

From Des: Come Thru? ;) 3:24

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