Chapter 7: Tell Her

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Candace's POV

My phone rang as soon as I got into my Dad's car. I looked at the caller ID and rolled my eyes when I seen it was Ronny.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Where you at?"

"About to leave Granny's. Why?"

"Can you come through? It's real important."

"Can it wait until tomorrow?"

"Not really, its life or death."

I sighed. "Daddy, can you take me to Ronny's? He says it's an emergency."

"As long as he brings you back home, yeah."

"I'm on my way." I told Ronny.

"Ight, see you in a minute."

We hung up and I sunk down in my seat.

My daddy shook his head. "You and that Ronald are something else."

"What does that mean?"

He smiled to himself. "Nothing pumpkin, nothing at all."

The rest of the ride consist of a couple yawns from my father and him telling me how tired he is and can't wait to retire.

When we got to Ronny's apartment, I kissed his cheek.

"See you at home, daddy."

"Be safe princess. Can't promise I'll stay up and wait for you."

I waved and knocked on Ronny's door.

Quan answered the door like he lived there. He smirked. "I've been waiting to see you."

Hearing him say that made me nervous. "And why is that?" I said slowing walking into the room.

I seen Jon Jon slouched on the couch and Ronny in the recliner.

"Hey Jon Jon." I smiled.

"Wassup lil mama?" He said lowly.

The smell of weed filled my nose and I know it soon sinked into my whole body. "What's the problem?"

The only time Ronny ever really smokes is when something bad happens. So this must be a serious matter.

Ronny didn't say anything for a moment. "Somebody's after me."

"For what?" I asked, sitting on the couch next to Jon Jon.

Ronny shrugged. "I don't know. All I know is some nigga named G-Money want me dead. Might even try to come after my family, you too probably."

My heart dropped. "So what you gon do about it?"

"Nothing I can do right now.  Nobody know what he look like but Destiny, she'll be letting me know what's going on soon."

I scoffed. "Of course she know who he his. She probably put the whole thing up."

"No she didn't." Ronny protested.

"Yes she did." Quan jumped in. "She just took $800 from him."

"Shut yo snitching ass up!" Ronny yelled at Quan. "Damn."

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