Chapter 17: I Love You

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Ronny's POV

Quan held me down in a chair.

"I ain't moving until you calm yo ass down." Quan said.

"I know you hurting, but you running back there won't change a thing." Jon Jon said.

I sighed. "I'm good."

"You sure?" Quan asked.

I nodded and he let me go. I held my face in my hands.

Lena came running in. "What happened?"

"It was that dude she's been talking to." Jon Jon told her.

"It's all my fault." I confessed, "she kept telling me this was all gonna catch up to me. But I wouldn't listen. Now they in there, taking out a bullet that was meant for me."

"Is she gonna be okay?" Lena asked.

Jon shrugged. "Haven't heard anything from a doctor yet."

Lena sighed. "Let me call Mr. Baker." She pulled out her phone and walked around to another area.

The whole room was quiet. The few minutes of silence infested my brain with so many thoughts.

"If Candy doesn't make it, I won't be able to live with myself. I love that girl with everything in me."

Lena started yelling at me. "Are you serious Ronny? It took her lying in the hospital for you to realize you love her? She had to take a bullet for you realize you love her? You're so- UGH! That should be you in there fighting for your life, not Candace!" She ran off again.

I knew it came off that way, but to hear her say it made me feel worse.

"She's frustrated right now, she didn't mean it." Quan whispered. "Let's look at the bright side. G-Money is off your back and I got the honor of getting rid of that bitch, Dusty."

Jon Jon shook his head. "I'd hate to agree, but the enemy is gone. I just hate the price we had to pay."

Then Lena came back in with Mr. Baker as he ran straight to the reception desk.

"I need to see my daughter, Candace Nicole Baker. I need to see my baby girl right now!"

"I'm sorry sir, but she's still in surgery." The receptionist told him.

"Well can't you give me some scrubs? That's my baby back there that they're operating on! You expect me to sit here and wait without a clue as to what's happening? Hell no, get me back there NOW!"

"I'm sorry sir, but there is nothing I can do. You have to wait."

I came up behind him. "Mr. Baker, I-"

"Don't you say a got damn word. I know you're the reason behind all this. You and that other knucklehead she brought home the other day."

"Let me explain."

"Ronald, I suggest you get away from me until I can make sense of my baby being in the hospital." He walked away mumbling, "I hate this place."

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