Chapter 4: Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

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Candy's POV

After my shower and going into the kitchen in my robe, I seen my dad drinking coffee in his uniform.

"Can't make it to church this Sunday pumpkin, I have to go to work. You need me to drop you off?"

"No, I don't want you to be late." I got my phone and shot Ronny a text.

To Ron Da Don: You going to church? 7:38 (Ronny put the name in my phone)

From Ron Da Don: Yeah, getting ready now. 7:40

To Ron Da Don: Can I ride w| you? 7:40

From Ron Da Don: Duh, scoop you up @8:15 7:40

To Ron Da Don: Gracias. 7:41

"I gotta head out pumpkin. See you soon." My daddy said after kissing my forhead.

"Bye daddy." Then he headed out the door.

I headed to my room to find something 'summery' to wear, as the choir director would put it. I found a flowy, rose pink dress and paired it with some creme colored wedges. I put on my rose gold watch and gold studs. Then I pulled half of my braids up in a bun while the rest fell down my back.

I looked at myself in the mirror. Not bad I thought.

I headed back to the kitchen and sat at the table with a granola bar and a yogurt.

By the time I finished, Ronny was outside beeping the horn. I threw away my trash, grabbed my purse and left out the house. I locked the door and got in the passenger seat.

"Okay, I see you Candy." Ronny smiled.

I flipped my braids over my shoulder. "Well, ya know." I flaunted.

"Mr. B had to work?"


Ronny nodded and pulled off. "You hungry?"

"No, I just ate."

"What you eat?"

"You asking too many questions Ronny, can you just drive?" I stated, annoyed.

"Just answer it and it'll be the last one."

"I had yogurt and a granola bar."

"That's nutritious." He said, turning left when he should've went right.

"Where are you going?"

"To pick up Destiny."

"She's coming to church too?"

"Yupp. I didn't tell you?"

"Of course you didn't." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh. My bad. Destiny's coming to church."

"Thanks for the heads up." I replied sarcastically.

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