Chapter 8: Civilized

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Ronny's POV

I woke up this morning at 8:56 with an idea. I know it's not the best idea, but I'm gonna go with my gut and do it anyway.

To Destiny: let's go get some breakfast 8:59 AM

I called Candace while waiting for a reply.

I was afraid she wouldn't answer until I finally heard her croaky voice. "Hello?"

"Hey, what you up to?"

"Still in this bed. I didn't get much sleep."

"I got something that'll get you up."


"Lets go get some breakfast."

"I'm not feeling it today." She groaned.

"Candy, please. We need talk about yesterday."

"What about it? And why now?"

From Destiny: When and where? 9:03

"Man look, just be ready before 10 and I'll be on my way."

"We'll see." She said before hanging up.

I sighed. That girl so damn difficult.

To Destiny: IHOP @ 10. Meet you there. 9:04

From Destiny: K 9:04

I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and threw on some sweats and a shirt. I slid on a pair of socks and my slides. I said a quick prayer before walking out the door:

Lord please don't let this blow up in my face.

I turned on the Bluetooth and bumped A Boogie all the way to Candy's crib. (A/N: I'm not real big on rap, but I actually like his music!)

I beeped my horn when I pulled in the driveway. I seen Candace peek out the window. A minute later, she came out the house in a pair of shorts, a pink shirt, and slides with a big ass bonnet on her head.

She got in the car and I pulled the bonnet off. "Can't go no where  with me with that rag on yo head."

She yawned. "I forgot I had it on."

I pulled out the driveway and head to IHOP. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What the fuck you do last night? You all tired and shit."

"I didn't get much sleep." She mumbled to her reflection in the mirror.

"What's wrong?"

"Other than my life being in danger? Oh, nothing. Nothing at all."

I nodded. "You right... anything else?"

She shook her head no. "Just got a lot on my mind."

I knew there was more to it, but I didn't wanna push too much. "I guess we can discuss it over breakfast."

"What's the point of this anyway?"

I shrugged, tryna play cool. "I guess a lil peace offering."

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