Chapter 11: Hot In Here

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Candace's POV

"You're wearing these." Lena said, pulling some booty shorts out of her drawer.

"Hell. No. I'm not going to the club, looking like a thot." I looked her up and down in her body suit. "In other words, like you."

She stopped digging and pointed at me. "Don't do that."

I laughed. "I'm kidding. Can you hurry up, it's already 9:30."

"Nobody shows up on time for a party Candace. We could've been gon if you wasn't so damn picky."

"What about those wide leg pants that makes my booty look big?"

"Everything makes your booty look big. You talking bout the blue and white tie dye looking ones?"

"Yeah, those."

She pulled those out along with a navy blue halter top. "Girl yesss! Put it on."

I peeled out of my robe and put on the outfit.

"Pull your shirt up some so you can see your belly button."

"No." I said, pulling the shirt down further and tucking it into the pants. I started to feeling better about myself, but somethings I'm still self conscious about. Especially since getting my weight back up.

"Alright, alright. You ready? My mama said we can borrow her car."

"Yeah, I'm ready."

We headed out and made our way to the party.

When we got to there, it was already packed. We went into the big abandoned building and seen ass being thrown at every turn.

"Let's just go get something to drink." Lena yelled over the music and grabbed my hand. She led me to the bar where we sat.

"Is it free?" Lena asked the dude manning the bar. He definitely wasn't no bartender.

"Yeah, but I do take tips." He replied.

"Alright, what you got?"

"Coolers, beer, and forties are free. If you want some Ciroc, Henny or something special then you need some green."

"I'll take 2 strawberry coolers."

He went into the cooler under the bar and put the drinks on the table and popped them open.

"Thanks." I told him.

He nodded. "Just don't forget the tip."

Before even putting the drink up to my lips, somebody tapped my shoulder.

Then the person sat on the opposite side of me. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I just had to come over and make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me." He looked me up and down and licked his lips. "How are you?"

"I'm.. fine." I hesitated.

"That you are indeed. Oh my bad, I'm Garrison, but my friends call me Gary." He stuck his hand out.

"Hi Garrison, Candace." I shook his hand and he kissed mine. Man, I couldn't lie. This dude was fine.

Lena cleared her throat.

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