Chapter 12: Things Change

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Candace's POV

I woke up with slob all over my pillow. I patted all over my bed for my phone until I finally found it.

Gary 9:54:13

I could hear him snoring on the other line. I smiled to myself. I hung up the phone and shot Garrison a text.

To Gary: morning sleepy head 9:27 AM

I put my phone on the charger and went downstairs.

My daddy was sitting at the table in the kitchen. "Morning sunshine." He said, not even looking up from his daily newspaper.

"Morning daddy." I said before kissing his cheek and making myself a bowl of Fruit Loops.

I sat at the table with him and played with my spoon. I couldn't stop smiling.

Daddy peered over his glasses at me. "What's got you grinning so hard?"

I shook my head. "Nothing."

He folded his newspaper gently and sat it on the table. "Oh come on, you can tell your Old Man.. Is it what I think it is?"

I raised an eyebrow. "It depends on what you're thinking."

"It must be some air headed boy."

I blushed. "You're on the right track."

"Oh lord."


"Is it Ronny?"

I rolled my eyes. "No. We don't talk anymore."

"I'm sorry pumpkin. What happened?"

I sighed. "I know you know the way I felt about him."

He shrugged. "Yeah, I do. I knew it before you did when y'all were little. Well, your mother knew."

I bit on the inside of my lip. "I miss her. She'd be able to help me make sense of everything going on."

"I miss her too, babygirl. I'm here if you need someone to talk to. You probably want a woman's perspective, but I give pretty good advice if I do say so myself."

I smiled. "I know, thanks daddy. I just couldn't keep putting my feelings aside for Ronny, you know? He says he's happy with his girlfriend, so it's time for me to move on."

"To Mr. Kool-Aid smile?"

I laughed. "Maybe."

"Well, I'll take that smile over tears anyday." He told me sincerely.

"No work today?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Nope, they finally gave me a day off. It's well needed. I can't wait-"

"Wait to retire, I know daddy." I finished my cereal, put the bowl in the sink and returned upstairs.

I heard my phone ringing so I ran to get it. It was Garrison.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Good morning."

I laid in the bed. "Good morning."

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